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Remote work: how to organize your space?

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The month of returning from vacation is coming to an end... For those of you who resumed working from home last month, this is an opportunity to optimize your space. The objective? Work remotely in the best possible conditions. Spoiler: forget the computer on the bed right away!

1. Set up separate spaces

In teleworking, the border between professional life and personal life is not so obvious... If our m-workers are lucky enough to have a clearer limit, at home, don't be fooled.

In teleworking, the border between professional life and personal life is not so obvious... If our m-workers are lucky enough to have a clearer limit, at home, don't be fooled. Separate your work time and your leisure time. How? The first thing to do ishave a separate work space. Take advantage of being away from office noise or transport thanks to teleworking. Create yourself a quiet space that will allow you to focus. The other advantage of a structured space? You'll get away from the distractions.

Do you live with your family? It's time to discuss it. Be transparent about your work schedules and what you need to work in the best conditions.

And for the breaks? You are right: the importance of breaks cannot be overemphasized. Whether you are thinking about your well-being or your productivity, you need these 5 minutes.

Again, you need a separate space to disconnect for a few moments. Give priority to outdoor spaces : your balcony will perfectly replace your breaks at the coffee machine. Our tip for optimizing your breaks? Start meditating!

2. Become an organization pro

Wouldn't you like to have to travel in the middle of a videoconference to find a document? Take the time to think ahead.

Think efficiency! Wouldn't you like to have to travel in the middle of a videoconference to find a document? Take the time to anticipate. The ideal is toinstall in advance, in your office, everything you might need such as your computer or printer for example. In addition, you must apply the same care to the storage of your documents. They should be at your fingertips as much as possible.

For those of you who have a phobia of storage, you will quickly realize that it is essential. Remember that during your Zoom calls, your callers will see your desk. So, clean up your mess!

3. Think comfort

If opinions differ, scientists agree on an optimal distance of 50 to 70 cm between your eyes and your screen.

The doctors are formal: forget about working in bed with your head glued to the computer! There is nothing worse. Always pay attention to your posture. First, don't stick your chair to the desk too much. If opinions differ, scientists agree on an optimal distance of 50 to 70 cm between your eyes and your screen.

In addition, you will stay in the same position for a long time. It's time toinvest in a good chair ! You will thank her when she saves you from back pain. The best? It's all up to you. We recommend gym balls. They have the advantage of preventing you from remaining static and require you to maintain a good posture. If you're not a fan of balloons, a more classic chair with good lumbar support will do the trick. Do not hesitate to try several, stores are made for that!

4. Take care of the decoration

Who said decor didn't matter? Once you've set up your office in a functional way, it's time to make it your own. Remember that you are going to spend a good part of your time in this place. If he is warm, you will be all the more fulfilled in your work. Search for items to brighten up your desk. Your colleagues may fall in love with your decor at the next meeting.

Our final piece of advice? Think about your eyes. Good lighting will prevent ophthalmic migraines. Take care to choose your light fixture carefully.

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