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The impact of remote work on work-life balance

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With the development of remote working, a gradual blur is emerging between daily living space and the office, which were historically two drastically opposed places. What to disturb the boundaries between the professional life and personal life collaborators. However, the practice of teleworking can be beneficial in finding the perfect balance. How? We explain it to you here...

How remote working helps you find a balance between work and personal life

Les beneficial effects of teleworking no longer need to be proved. The studies are formal and some gains have been proven: less travel time, more sleep, no more interruptions in the middle of a task by your colleagues or the telephone for example. Result : teleworking leads on average to a 22% productivity gain. But that's not all, it can also allow you to Finding your work/life balance.

Thus, teleworking when its practice is controlled, allows you to save a major amount of time, which can allow the exercise of many activities:

  • Do sports,
  • See his friends,
  • Walking with your children,
  • Draw,
  • Learning a new language,
  • Cook
  • ... everything is possible!

In this way, it is possible to make employees more free on their non-working hours, and therefore to flourish more. Their quality of life will only be better.

This may explain the figures of the Human Footprint barometer in which we note that after the crisis, the desire to remain 100% teleworking remains a minority but almost 8 out of 10 people want to be able to telework 1 to 3 days a week.

Read also: Why implement a 4-day week in your company?

The risks of a blurred work/personal life border

But watch out for the other side of the coin. With hyper-connected ways of working, the line between professional and personal lives can seem blurry at times. Our work environments have in particular metamorphosed with the digitalization of the world of work.

In this context, it becomes complex not to bring back your professional life at home. Many employees will check their emails or finish a file once the standard office hours have passed.

This phenomenon has a name: the”Blurring“. It refers to employees who work outside of their office hours.

The Blurring So is a phenomenon very widespread and capable of threaten work/life balance employees when they work remotely. Indeed, when you are already at home, it can be complicated to cut yourself off from work at the end of the day.

Tips for defining a clear line between professional and personal life

Limit the length of your working hours is the first thing to do. Layer them on the office hours preferably.

You are manager ? It is essential to ensure that your employees respect these working hours and avoid spilling over into the evening or the weekend at all costs.

In order to establish clear boundaries between your professional and personal life, the first step is to structure a workspace apart as well as, if possible, a break space. For this:

  • Arrange your space as a result by keeping away from the distractions around you such as your television for example,
  • Impose yourself 5-minute breaks regularly spaced out throughout your working day,
  • Give priority to outdoor breaks if you have the possibility,
  • Don't let yourself be fooled by overly comfortable pajamas: during your hours, you're at work, Get dressed as if you were leaving for the office.
  • Professional life and personal life should only intersect !

The m-work solution for hybrid work

In order to ensure the sustainable implementation of hybrid work, m-work offers a complete and integrated tool that makes it possible to organize and monitor the numerous indicators on hybrid work.

Are you interested in the subject? Do not hesitate to contact us!

What will work be like in 2024 and beyond?


What developments in the world of work have we identified this year?

Through daily exchanges with HR professionals, managers and employees, we observed key trends that we explore in this document.

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