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Hybrid work and employee experience ‍

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With the development of hybrid work, propose a good employee experience within his company has now become a must in order to To attract and To build loyalty Some new talents.

Hybrid work, by multiplying the number of workplaces, limit the team cohesion and can worsen the employee experience. Employees now find themselves alone working from home and struggle to find themselves in the office, not always sharing the same teleworking days.

As a direct consequence of this phenomenon, the number of “Burnouts” and of”turnovers” has increased considerably in recent years. In addition, businesses are struggling to attract new talent.

Faced with this observation, more and more companies are setting up concrete actions relating to the employee experience. According to the 2021 Let's Talk HR Barometer, more than 43% of French companies say they have invested time and resources in order to alleviate this problem.

We can define the employee experience asAll the feelings of an employee, conveyed by the company, from arrival to departure. It is inspired by the concept of customer experience, which aims to optimize and improve all interactions between a customer and the company. In the case of employee experience, it is no longer about the customer, but about the company's employee.

Faced with the challenges of hybrid work, such as the development of teleworking and third workplaces, it is essential to review your employee experience in order to readjust it to the current organization of work.

Below we have listed the best practices to adopt in order to Reinvent in depth his collaborator experience.

Promoting well-being at work

With the democratization of teleworking, new evils have appeared. With remote exchanges, more and more employees say suffer from isolation. They spend most of their day behind their computer screens and only exchange very briefly with their collaborators. These employees in psychological and psychological distress are not to be overlooked. A company must guarantee the well-being of its employees. It is therefore in his best interest to put in place appropriate measures in order to deal with the dropouts of some. Employees who are healthy and happy at work are more productive employees who are less likely to leave the company.

Travail hybride collaboratif

In order to promote well-being of its employees, managers have an interest in:

  • To check the workload of each of their collaborators and to ensure that it remains reasonable.
  • To be Attentive to the schedules of work. Often, a number of employees work later than expected because they struggle to disconnect.
  • to suggest adapted training to employees who are having difficulties with computer hardware and new ways of communicating remotely.
  • unto adapt the quantity of teleworking according to the needs and abilities of each individual.
  • To organize team activities, whether it's “team buildings” or moments of conviviality, such as an “afterwork” or a team lunch.
  • to offer to those who need one psychological support in order to support them in their difficulties.

Redesign your offices

Until a few years ago, corporate offices were the only place employees worked from. With the development teleworking and third workplaces, the office no longer has the sole and sole mission of enabling professional activity. It is now a place for meetings and exchanges. When employees go to the office, it is now for a particular reason and no longer just to work on it.

The offices, in their organization, have a strong impact On the worker productivity. It is therefore essential to look at how spaces can be redesigned and optimized. Collaboration and reception spaces are therefore generally the most popular among employees, because they are favorable to exchanges and cooperation.

To develop these new spaces within its premises, the company can Set up the flex office which allows, by no longer allocating one workstation per employee, free up m2. These freed surfaces can thus be allocated to the creation of meeting rooms with equipment adapted to videoconferencing services or to the creation of places to meet and exchange.

Some companies even offer a monthly benefit dedicated to the rental of coworking spaces, so that their employees work in good conditions remotely.

Flex office

Read also our article on setting up flex office in your office

Improving the phygital experience of your employees

Hybrid work Multiply the workspaces, employees can thus work from home, their offices, a coworking space...

The company must therefore provide them, whether remotely or from its premises, with quality work experience Who is now Phygital, that is to say both physical and digital.

The employee experience must now be customized according to needs of each person, of the workplace... A good way is toadopt adapted digital tools in order to improve remote collaboration and teamwork.

About m-work

M-Work is one of these tools. m-work allows employees to Get better organized among their various workplaces. On the software application, they Declare their days of teleworking and those of presence in the office. Once they have completed their statements, they can then consult those of their collaborators and come to the office on the same days if they want.

To find out more, click here!

What will work be like in 2024 and beyond?


What developments in the world of work have we identified this year?

Through daily exchanges with HR professionals, managers and employees, we observed key trends that we explore in this document.

Download the white paper

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