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Remote work: can you really move away from your workplace?

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With The democratization of teleworking, more and more companies are giving their employees the opportunity to be in 100% remote. This allows some employees to avoid public transport in the morning, to move and be closer to their family or to travel.

Here are three typical examples of employees who have moved away from their workplace.

What are the reasons, the advantages and disadvantages and finally, is the employer in a position to dismiss an employee who moves? All the answers are in the article below.

#1 Moving away from your workplace: to be closer to your family and to travel

Just like Spotify, Atlassian is one of the companies that offer a “100% remote work” program to its employees.

This program “Team Anywhere” thus allows the 7,388 employees who wish to do so, to have the opportunity to avoid trips between home and work and even for some to move to another city or another country.

Read also: Spotify's “Work From Anywhere” program generalizes the transition to 100% remote work  

The Australian company claims that more than 10% of its employees working in the United States moved during the health crisis, most of them having left wealthy cities in California and Texas.

Among these employees, Amanda Gitahi, a 28-year-old product marketing manager, decided to join her husband who took a job in Seattle.

According to her, “the hardest part of working from anywhere is losing some of those in-person office interactions.”

In a score on its website, Atlassian demonstrates its commitment to facilitate communication, The commitment and the well-being of its employees, by providing effective communication tools, guides to train teams to work remotely and many other resources.

#2 Moving away from your workplace: to work better

Florence Chartier, a 40-year-old Parisian, also opted for 100% remote work.

End the Noisy open spaces And the long trips in the morning, his professional life is now”idyllic”, according to her.

“My days are more productive,” she says. I work nonstop from 9 am to 6 pm, sometimes skipping lunch.”

In addition, the social bond that she maintains with her colleagues and her company does not seem at all fragile. Indeed, Every day she spends several hours videoconferencing with them..

She goes to London, to her company headquarters every six weeks and to La Défense-Paris every 3 weeks for a seminar with her French colleagues.

This Acro of working from home has thus found the way of working that best suits her, and like her, more and more employees are taking the plunge of 100% remote.

#3 Moving far from your workplace: a cause for dismissal?

An employee employed in Yvelines in Ile-de-France moved to Brittany 400km from his workplace without informing his employer.

On April 12, his employer expressed his disagreement with him, as the excessive distance between his home and the company was at issue.

The employee refused to contact each other and was thus dismissed.

The collaborator then decided to Seize justice based on article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, which provides that”Everyone has the right to respect for their home and to the free choice of place of residence“, recalls helloworkplace.fr.

The employee justified his move by the fact that he only spends a very short time at the company's headquarters and is often on the move. Moreover, he did not ask no financial compensation related to the expenses of his trips to his employer.

As for his employer, he invoked the legal security obligation imposed on him meaning that he is required to take “the necessary measures to ensure the safety and protect the physical and mental health” of employees, according to the Labor code.

According to him, he wants his collaborator to move closer to his workplace to Ensuring their health and safety, and in particular avoid excessive fatigue associated with long transport.

“In the name of the obligation of employee safety, the Versailles Court of Appeal validated the dismissal of an employee who had refused to restore his home near his workplace.”

For the moment, not all companies are therefore open to the creation of “100% teleworking” programs in their companies. Only time will tell if this new way of working will succeed in seducing us all.

Read also: What if the future was 100% remote working? 

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