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How to effectively onboard your new hires remotely?

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Visiting the offices, having a welcome coffee... So many onboarding practices that are incompatible with teleworking. Recruiting must then adapt to remote work and reinvent some of the habits he cherished the most. How can you get off to a good start despite the distance with new employees? Today we are giving you our advice on how to successfully onboard your new recruits remotely.

Preparing for your arrival

In order to facilitate the integration of your new collaborator, it is important to prepare for your arrival in advance. The key word: anticipating ! The autonomy of his work will, in large part, depend on your ability to anticipate all the needs that he may encounter at each stage of his arrival. Your role will consist in setting up all the tools necessary for his arrival: computer, telephone, access codes to digital tools, he can only obtain them from you. You You will save time and your new collaborator will be more likely to meet the expectations of the position they are going to join.

You can digitally prepare a welcome booklet or documentation for him to read which he will be able to understand his field of action and the tools he will have at his disposal. Be sure to Plan his working day and to provide him with objectives as clearly as possible so that he can reach them.

He will surely have questions, it's up to you to make sure of the availability good contacts thanks to the digital communication tools that you use in your company.

Don't forget to contact the other employees to inform them of the arrival of your new recruit: a short email and/or an insert in your weekly newsletter will do the trick.

In addition, remember to contact your future collaborator in advance in order to send him all the information he will need on the big day: a videoconference link to welcome him for example.

Structuring the big day well

Once the administrative details have been settled thanks to digital prowess, be sure to make a good first impression. Put them at ease and facilitate their integration. What can I do without the welcome breakfast? You're in luck, technology has done that work for you. It's up to you to select the tool that's best for you. But how about inviting him over for a coffee break by videoconference? Or a Facetime visit to the premises if your collaborator will come to the office in a few days.

Our advice? Consider giving him a sponsor for the first few days. Select a contact person for Accompany him in case of need. How do you choose the right person? Focus on seniority and benevolence. Choose a volunteer and don't impose this responsibility at random.

In order to push them in the right direction, don't forget that it will be essential for employees to receive regular feedback from their sponsor or manager.

Sharing your corporate culture

This new recruit will not only carry out the missions that will be given to him, he will also represent the values of your company. Thus, ensuring that the employee adheres to your corporate culture is also one of the objectives you will have when integrating them. It must be integrated as quickly as possible. This commitment will play a key role in terms of motivation and performance. Even more so with remote work! You will retain him later, but in the short term it is important to get off to a good start.

When presenting with the team, be sure to introduce each other member of the team in detail.

Engaging them in your corporate culture can also simply involve the distribution of communication materials or goodies. A small package to send will suffice to overcome the distance.

And why not organize activities of remote team building ? Are you running out of ideas? We give you some of them: a virtual escape game, a cooking workshop, a musical blind test, an interactive quiz, a treasure hunt, a serious game, and so many other things that you can discover on your search engine.

m-work and remote work

Faced with these challenges, discover M-Work, a comprehensive and integrated tool that makes the organization of hybrid work legible, simple and intelligent for companies and their employees. Our solution makes it possible to streamline the entire organization of teleworking, and therefore in particular to simplify this process for new recruits who join your company! Do you want to discuss it? Do not hesitate to contact us.

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