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Managing a remote team

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The Management of a team in teleworking presents new challenges for businesses. How do you maintain effective communication, set clear goals, and trust your remote team? Learn the best practices for successfully managing a remote team.

How to promote communication while working from home and define goals

La communication is a key element of management to ensure the success of remote work. Setting up regular videoconference meetings makes it possible to maintain the link between team members, to share important information and to coordinate actions. These meetings can be organized on a weekly basis or at a pace adapted to the needs of your team.

During these meetings, as a manager, make sure that everyone can express themselves and share their progress, difficulties, and suggestions. Encourage her participation of all and promote constructive exchanges. These virtual meeting times are also an opportunity to strengthen theteam spirit and to maintain a positive dynamic despite the distance.

Define clear performance indicators to assess productivity

To effectively manage a remote team, a manager must define performance indicators clear and measurable. These indicators make it possible to assess the productivity of each member of the team and to ensure that the goals set are achieved.

Choose relevant indicators according to the missions and responsibilities of each person. Communicate these indicators clearly and ensure that your employees understand what is expected of them. Set up regular monitoring of these indicators and organize sessions of Feedback individuals to discuss progress made and areas for improvement at work. This approach will allow you to have a vision of the performance of your team and to take the necessary measures to optimize productivity when working from home.

How to trust your team when working remotely

Avoid management based on excessive control

Faire trust to colleagues working remotely is essential, and this means avoiding excessive control that could harm their motivation and commitment. Overly close or intrusive monitoring can give the impression of a manager who lacks trust and create a climate of mistrust between manager and employees.

Empowering employees to achieve their goals at work

As a manager, trusting your team when working remotely also involves the accountability of each collaborator as to the achievement of its goals. Instead of micromanaging, empower them to take initiatives and make decisions in a way standalone.

Set expectations and expected results at work, then give them the freedom to choose how to get there. Encourage them to be proactive, to offer solutions, and to take charge of their own professional development. Show them as a manager that you have trust in their skills and in their ability to reach the objectives fixed, while remaining available to support them if needed.

How to value your remote team

Collective successes and recognizing individual achievements

Good management also involves valorize its remote team, the celebration of collective successes and the recognition of individual achievements. Take the time to recognize the team's accomplishments, whether it's the achievement of a major goal, the completion of a project or a attainment Particular at work.

Organize dedicated moments to celebrate these successes together, even remotely. This could take the form of a festive virtual meeting, a congratulatory message sent to the whole team, or public recognition during a team point. Also highlight the inputs individuals and the endeavours remarkable of each. This appreciation on the part of a manager reinforces the cohesion and motivation of the team at work.

Organize moments of conviviality to strengthen cohesion at work

A manager also regularly plans activities Virtual fun, such as videoconference coffee breaks, online team challenges or experience sharing sessions. Encourage them interactions Spontaneous and informal discussions between team members. These moments of conviviality promote collaboration, creativity and a sense of belonging, essential for a cohesive and committed team at work.

What are the new rules to set for your remote team

Define employee availability time slots

One of the benefits of working remotely is flexibility that it offers in terms of schedules. However, a manager must also define time slots during which your colleagues are supposed to be available and reachable. They must be adapted to the needs of the company and the constraints of each member of the team, while leaving a certain flexibility to allow everyone to organize themselves as best as possible. Be sure to respect the right to disconnection of your colleagues outside of these time slots and encourage them to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Do not require camera activation during remote meetings

Although videoconference meetings have become essential with remote work, the manager must also respect the privacy of your collaborators. As recommended by the CNIL, it is preferable not to require the activation of the camera during these meetings.

The quality of remote working environments and tools

Ensure a level of data security and confidentiality equivalent to face-to-face work

Remote work involves the use of Of tools Computers and remote data processing. Ensuring that the level of security and confidentiality of data is equivalent to that of working in person is important. This involves the establishment by the management of solid safety protocols, training colleagues in cybersecurity best practices, and compliance with current regulations, such as the GDPR.

Make sure your employees have the equipments and the software needed to work securely remotely. Put in place clear policies regarding the use of personal devices for business purposes and the protection of sensitive data. By paying attention to security and confidentiality, you maintain the integrity of your business and the trust of your customers.

Provide adequate technical support to resolve remote work issues

The smooth running of teleworking is largely based on the quality and reliability of the tools and of computer equipment made available to colleagues. Providing adequate technical support is essential to quickly resolve issues and minimize work interruptions. Ensure that your employees have the resources they need to report problems and get help in a timely manner. Also offer regular training on the tools used and best practices in remote work to strengthen the autonomy of your teams.

How to be a good remote manager

Be a coach and a mentor to help employees adapt

A good manager in remote work must take on the role of coach and mentor to support colleagues in this new work reality. Beyond the managerial tasks and goals, you need to help them adapt and develop the skills they need to succeed remotely.

Listen to their individual concerns and challenges. Offer them tips personalized and resources to overcome the barriers of working remotely. Help them learn new skills, such as time management, effective remote communication, or the use of collaborative tools.

Be proactive in managing problems and conflicts remotely

Encourage a communication open and transparent within the team. Watch for signs of disagreement or frustration, and don't be afraid to approach issues constructively. Organize sessions of mediation or conflict resolution where necessary, ensuring that each party is heard and respected. Work with the team to find mutually beneficial solutions and re-establish a positive collaborative dynamic.

Remote team management requires setting up a communication regular and structured, clear goals with a tracking adapted, as well as a relationship of trust based on autonomy and accountability. It is essential to value successes, maintain cohesion and adopt a caring coach posture to support colleagues.

By adapting their management style and focusing on transparency, collaboration and listening, managers can thus successfully meet the challenge of remote working. Let's take advantage of this experience to rethink how we work and build a more agile and fulfilling professional future together.

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