Finally, simplify remote work monitoring.

Follow remote work, strengthen team cohesion while ensuring compliance with your remote work policy thanks to m-work.
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Make your remote work policy a strength with m-work


Set the rules and guarantee their respect, in a friendly atmosphere

Teleworking package per team, collaborator, seniority...
Automatic calculation of the telework allowance
Direct integration with your payroll tools, GTA, SIRH...
Request a demo
adapt your-orga

Help your managers plan team life

An ergonomic, integrated online schedule appreciated by all
Visibility on the presence of the team and suggestion of joint days
Team reports to continuously improve your organization
360° visibility in the company to optimize exchanges
Learn more about visualizing schedules

Key data to stop navigating remote work by sight

Customizable and exportable dashboards (dates, teams, offices)
Monitoring of the office occupancy rate, the consumption of teleworking
Anticipation of dropouts and isolation, QVT monitoring
Learn more about data analysis

Change management and support

A dedicated account manager who ensures project preparation, deployment and monitoring
A personalized internal communication kit to guarantee the success of the project
Help with change management with training for managers and employees
Meet an expert

No double entries thanks to integrations

m-work integrates with your existing software, so no more glitches to get your teams on board.

“The advantage of switching to m-work was to have a tool that was flexible, intuitive, so that the declarations were consistent with the real organization of work.

So it is a real activity management tool, for the manager, the collaborator, and not simply a tool for HR.

Mathias Caballero

HR Development Manager at Mutex & Chorum

Find our customer cases

Ready to give back value to the face-to-face?

Learn how m-work can help you take the next step in managing your hybrid policy.
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The preferred features of Human Resources

Telework frequency
Set up your rules whether weekly, monthly, annual...
Tv agreement
Telework or presence rules
Integrate your telework policy, whether this is in the number of authorized teleworking days or in the minimum number of mandatory presence.
Statement blocker
Limit the advance of declarations or retrotyping, with a possible monthly delay, in order to remain in compliance, and in line with your payroll process
Reports & analyses
Dashboards on the rate of use of teleworking by your teams, but also office occupancy...
Overrun alerts
Get notified with your HR teams and managers when the remote work agreement is not applied.
Customizable statuses
Set up all the statuses necessary for your organization so that m-work perfectly reflects your business.
Discover all m-work features
Of adoption
Of satisfaction
and support

Why m-work?

How do I set the rules for remote working with m-work?
You can set up telework packages based on various criteria such as team, collaborator or seniority, while automatically calculating the associated benefits.
Does m-work integrate with our existing tools?
Yes, m-work can be integrated directly with your payroll, Time and Activity Management (GTA) systems, as well as with your HRIS.
m-work also integrates with Microsoft tools (Teams, Outlook) and Google. Learn more about our integrations.
How does m-work help managers plan team life?
We offer an ergonomic and well-integrated online schedule, providing complete visibility on the presence of the team and by suggesting common days to improve the organization.
How does m-work contribute to our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by calculating the carbon footprint?
m-work integrates CSR functionalities, in particular the calculation of the carbon footprint linked to the trips between home and work of your employees. This data allows you to better understand the environmental impact of your operations and to act accordingly to reduce it. These measures fit perfectly into your overall CSR initiatives by providing concrete environmental KPIs. Learn more about m-work's CSR vision.
How does m-work support organizational change?
Each company benefits from a dedicated account manager for the preparation, deployment and monitoring of the project. We also offer an internal communication kit and video training courses to ensure the success of your transition to long-term teleworking.
How long does it take to set up m-work?
Setting up m-work is quick and hassle-free. We even offer a free version that can be accessed directly, allowing you to test our solution without commitment. So you can realize the benefits of m-work in the shortest possible time.

m-work answers your questions!

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The practical guide to hybrid working and flex-office


More than 65% of remote workers suffer from a lack of social interactions linked to remote work. (IFOP)

This white paper is our version of a “survival guide” in hybrid work. We don't pretend to have answers for everything, but every day, we work for hundreds of different organizations and work environments to create the best employee experience.

Download the white paper

Ready to turn your hybrid policy into a strength?

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