A workplace management tool that is finally simple and integrated, quick to deploy

Adopt a simple, readable and integrated tool to make your hybrid work environment more efficient and accessible in the age of remote work.
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A simple and readable tool to streamline team organization

Readable schedule accessible on smartphone and desktop to know who comes when
Management of teleworking and coming to the office to optimize team moments
Manage desktops and shared resources from a single interface
Learn more about visualizing schedules
adapt your-orga

A tool fully integrated into your IS to guarantee adoption

Connectors with your existing IS (Teams, Outlook, Outlook, Google, Google, SIRH, clocking and reservation tools...)
Possible integrations with your existing hardware (tablets in particular)
SSO link, provisioning (SCIM...) to facilitate adoption

Safety as a requirement and a guarantee

A French solution, hosted in France and compliant with the RGPD by design
Regular audits and penetration tests
Equips the most demanding players (banking, health, public sector...)

A focused and rapid deployment

Unparalleled adoption thanks to ergonomics and integrations
A help center and customer service (chatbot, email, telephone) responsive in less than 24 hours to support employees
A deployment in a few minutes (TPE/SME) or days (ETI/large groups) to meet your requirements
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Reliable data to manage your work environment

Real-time and advance occupancy rate of offices and shared resources
Report on the consumption of teleworking and the carbon impact of your hybrid policy
Real-time optimization suggestions
Learn more about data analysis

No double entries thanks to integrations

m-work integrates with your existing software, so no more glitches to get your teams on board.

“We worked with the CISO and the DPO to check that everything was in compliance. Once this validation step was completed, change management was extremely simple since the application is very intuitive.

We were very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the ergonomics and the ease of implementation and handling of this solution, within the teams.

I would even say that the teams have taken ownership of the solution!”

Thierry Galvagni

Information Systems Director

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Ready to give back value to the face-to-face?

Learn how m-work can help you take the next step in managing your hybrid policy.
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What CIOs like best about m-work

SSO & Provisioning
Make life easier for your teams with single authentication and user base automation.
French hosting and compliance
Hosting in France to guarantee the security of your data and total compliance with the RGPD.
Easy compatibility and integration
Integrate m-work seamlessly with your Human Resources Information System, collaborative tools and existing hardware.
Transparent cost
Fast implementation and no hidden costs, everything is included in the license price for an unsurprising deployment.
Change Management
Ensure successful adoption with targeted training for managers and employees.
Use real-time data and customizable dashboards to make informed choices and optimize your work environment.
Discover all m-work features
Of adoption
Of satisfaction
and support

Why m-work?

How does m-work simplify workplace management for CIOs?
m-work offers an accessible and legible schedule on smartphone and desktop, allowing you to know who is in the office and when, while effectively managing teleworking and the use of office spaces.
What is the compatibility of m-work with our existing Information System?
m-work integrates directly with your payroll, Time and Activity Management (GTA) systems, as well as with your HRIS.
m-work also integrates with Microsoft tools (Teams, Outlook) and Google. IoT tools can also be combined with m-work to make the data as up-to-date as possible.
What types of data can I monitor with m-work?
You have access to real-time data and reports on office use, remote work consumption, and other key indicators to optimize your work environment.
How does m-work contribute to our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by calculating the carbon footprint?
m-work integrates CSR functionalities, in particular the calculation of the carbon footprint linked to the trips between home and work of your employees. This data allows you to better understand the environmental impact of your operations and to act accordingly to reduce it. These measures fit perfectly into your overall CSR initiatives by providing concrete environmental KPIs. Learn more about m-work's CSR vision.
How does m-work ensure data security?
Safety is a priority for us. Our solution is hosted in France and complies with the RGPD. We conduct regular audits and penetration tests to ensure the security of your data.
How is m-work being deployed?
m-work can be deployed in a few minutes for VSEs/SMEs and in a few days for ETIs/large groups. Our help center and our customer service are available to support you.

m-work answers your questions!

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The practical guide to hybrid working and flex-office


More than 65% of remote workers suffer from a lack of social interactions linked to remote work. (IFOP)

This white paper is our version of a “survival guide” in hybrid work. We don't pretend to have answers for everything, but every day, we work for hundreds of different organizations and work environments to create the best employee experience.

Download the white paper

Ready to turn your hybrid policy into a strength?

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