Give your teams a good reason to come back to the office

Social connection is the first reason why employees are motivated to go to the workplace. With m-work, allow them to know who is coming when in order to come back to the office to meet their colleagues.
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Set transparent rules easily

Define your corporate teleworking rules (number of days...), by team, department or employee profile
Set up alerts to ease the mental load on managers
Understand the uses of teams and anticipate the risks of loss of social ties and isolation
Learn more about remote work rules

Give a good reason to come to the office

Simple planning statement, in one click, from mobile or computer
Define your offices, statuses and absences according to your specificities
Avoid double-entry thanks to our automatic integrations with your information system (HRIS, Outlook, Teams, Google)
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Support for change, from A to Z

Configuring your space, rules and teams with an m-work expert
Training video sessions and personalized tutorials to support change and present your return to the office process
A simple and ergonomic app to get your teams on board in a few days

Visibility to restore value to face-to-face

Visualization in real time and in advance of the presence of employees
Suggestions for schedule changes to coordinate the arrival of users in the office
Access to information in the right tools thanks to integrations: calendar, HRIS...
Learn more about visualizing schedules

How do I organize the return to the office?

No double entries thanks to integrations

m-work integrates with your existing software, so no more glitches to get your teams on board.

Our tools in place were complex and did not allow us to find ourselves with the development of the hybrid. The m-work application was immediately taken up by the teams, who really appreciate the tool!

Isabelle Deroure

Real Estate & Facility Management

m-work replaces your HRIS and Excel files


HRIS tools that are not intuitive, and rarely used by teams


Lack of visibility on the company's presence


No analysis or data concerning employee needs


No integration, multiple manual and administrative entries


Ergonomic planning tool, fun and appreciated by all employees


Global visibility on the presence of teams in hybrid work


Advanced office occupancy and usage statistics


A powerful integrated tool that strengthens internal communication and collaboration

Meet an expert
Of adoption

Why m-work?


Organize your teams.
And that's all.

With the m-work application, organize your remote teams and offices. Get total visibility into work trends across the organization.
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Why bring my teams back to the office?
Returning teams to the office, even partially, has several key benefits for your organization.

This reinforces face-to-face collaboration and communication, which stimulates innovation and creativity.
Second, it reinforces corporate culture and a sense of belonging, which are essential for maintaining a high level of employee engagement. In addition, the office offers a structured environment that can improve concentration and productivity for some employees. This is especially the case for young recruits.

Hybrid work - a mix between face-to-face and remote work - makes it possible to reconcile flexibility and direct interaction. This way of working thus meets the varied needs of employees and the organization.
How often should you bring employees back into the office?
Your organization's hybrid work pace is unique. Indeed, businesses are all different and therefore have varied needs.

A hybrid organization often depends on multiple factors, including the nature of the work, team dynamics, and individual preferences. So, from one team to another and even from one collaborator to another, the answer will vary.

A common approach is to have a joint day in the office by team, allowing for regular in-person collaboration while maintaining the benefits of working remotely.

Deploying a tool that gives employees visibility on their team schedule is in any case fundamental to supporting this return.
How do my teams use m-work?
Once your business account is ready, each employee organizes his week in a few clicks.

Users have visibility into what their colleagues or different work groups are doing. They can reserve a position in the various workspaces, whether you are in flex office or not.

So, the organization is much more collaborative and users are coming back to the office for good reasons.
Does the m-work application make it possible to organize the return to the office?
Absolutely. The m-work application makes it easy to organize the return to the office in a hybrid work environment.

It allows you to plan the days in the office for each employee in a flexible way. All while taking into account their preferences and work requirements, and by offering visibility on everyone's schedules.
Is it possible to interface m-work with third party applications?
Of course! m-work is easily integrated into your HRIS software thanks to connectors as well as your daily collaboration tools (Microsoft, Google...). You can find the remote work information entered on m-work in the time management or payroll tools. Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more about our integrations.
What is the average time required to set up the tool?
Setting up the tool is quick and easy. In less than 24 hours, we prepare your m-work environment for you.

We also share with you an internal communication kit to announce the arrival of the tool. Together, we set the launch video slots with the users.

For businesses that need specific integrations, this can take a few days at most!
How can I be sure that my teams will use m-work?
One of the strengths of m-work is its high adoption rate (over 92% on average among our existing customers). Indeed, the tool is designed to be as simple as possible, so that all profiles in the company are familiar with the application.

In addition, we conduct training videos during deployments in order to ensure good adoption from the start. We also integrate the application into our customers' existing HRIS in order to avoid any double entry of teleworking.

Finally, users see m-work as a strong value because the tool gives them visibility on the presence of their colleagues. It is therefore no longer a simple administrative entry tool, but a real support in daily organization!

m-work answers your questions!

Discover the main m-work features

Want to know more about going back to the office?

Returning to the office made easy

m-work saves you time and makes your organization more readable so you can focus on what really matters.

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