Confidentiality policy


Confidentiality and security are of the utmost importance to M-Work and we strive to ensure that our technical and organizational measures in place respect your data protection rights.

The M-Work application (the” Application ”) allows the organization of teams between office and remote work.

In the context of accessing, consulting, browsing and using the website (the” Site ”) and of the Application and the services offered, you are required to communicate to M-Work personal data concerning you.

The purpose of this policy is to inform you about the methods by which we process this data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (the” RGPD ”).

Thank you for reading this policy, which complements any document or information that refers to the policy.


1. Who is the data controller?

The data controller is M-Work, a simplified joint stock company, registered with the Bobigny Trade and Companies Register under number 900 927 005 and whose head office is located at 51, rue Robespierre 93100 Montreuil (” We”), when you browse our Site or as part of the management of our contractual relationships.

On the other hand, when our customers use our services, we collect and process the personal data of users of the Application in their name and on their behalf. Our customers are therefore responsible for the processing of data in accordance with article 4 of the GDPR on the treatments carried out within the framework of the Application. We act as a subcontractor, as a service provider.


2. What data do we collect?

The term “personal data” refers to information relating to a natural person who is identified or who can be identified by cross-checking with other data.

All the data you provide on the Site is limited to that which is strictly necessary for the provision of the services offered. We collect data that falls into the following categories:

Data collected

Mandatory data is indicated when you provide us with your data.

In addition, some data is automatically collected by the Site and the Application:

Mandatory data

3. For what purposes, on what legal bases and for how long do we keep your personal data?

The main objective of collecting your personal data is to provide you with a safe, optimal, efficient and personalized experience. For this purpose, we use your personal data for the purposes of:

Purposes, bases and retention periodSuite: foundations, purposes, retention period

Newsletters and emails

An unsubscribe link will always be included in each newsletter and prospection/solicitation/information email that we send you. For those of you who have explicitly agreed to receive our newsletters, you can easily unsubscribe by following the unsubscribe links in each of the accompanying emails.


4.  Who are the recipients of your data?

The personal data concerning you collected on the Site and the Application by M-Work or on behalf of M-Work is collected for the own needs of M-Work, which is the recipient. Access to your personal data is strictly limited to authorized M-Work persons only, authorized by virtue of their functions and bound by an obligation of confidentiality.

Your data may also be communicated to the following recipients:

- M-Work subcontractors (host, newsletter sending service provider, audience measurement and analysis provider, email provider, online chat, cookie management tool);

- Administrative or judicial authorities: only in the event of an express and motivated request on their part in the event of a proven violation of legal or regulatory provisions;

- External advice: only in the context of the management of possible disputes or for any other legal subject if necessary.

- Where applicable: public and private organizations, exclusively to meet our legal obligations.


5. Vos Is data likely to be transferred outside the European Union?

Your data is kept and stored for the duration of processing on the servers of Webflow and Microsoft Azure, both located in Europe.

As part of the tools we use (see article on recipients concerning our subcontractors), your data is likely to be transferred outside the European Union. The transfer of your data in this context is secured using the following tools:

· or the data is transferred to a country that has been the subject of an adequacy decision by the European Commission, in accordance with article 45 of the RGPD: in this case, this country ensures a level of protection considered sufficient and adequate to the provisions of the RGPD;

· or the data is transferred to a country whose level of data protection has not been recognized as adequate to the GDPR: in this case these transfers are based on appropriate guarantees indicated in article 46 of the RGPD, adapted to each service provider, in particular, in particular, but not exclusively, the conclusion of standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, the application of binding corporate rules or under an approved certification mechanism.

· or the data is transferred on the basis of one of the appropriate guarantees described in Chapter V of the GDPR.


6. What security measures are in place?

We have put in place technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data, in particular against possible breaches that may result, accidentally or unlawfully, in the destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized access or disclosure of your personal data. These measures ensure an appropriate level of data security and take into account the state of knowledge, the costs of implementation in relation to risks, and the nature of the data to be protected.

We also guarantee that the members of our staff and any person who processes personal data concerning you comply with the internal rules and procedures relating to the processing of personal data and in particular the technical and organizational security measures put in place to protect your personal data.


7. What are your rights to your data?

In accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data:


- Right to information : that's exactly why we wrote this policy. This right is provided for in articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR.

- Right of access : you have the right to access all of your personal data at any time, under article 15 of the GDPR.

- Right to rectification : you have the right to rectify your inaccurate, incomplete or outdated personal data at any time in accordance with Article 16 of the GDPR

- Right to limitation : you have the right to obtain the limitation of the processing of your personal data in certain cases defined in article 18 of the RGPD.

- Right to erasure : you have the right to demand that your personal data be erased, and to prohibit any future collection of it for the reasons set out in article 17 of the GDPR.

- Right to file a complaint with a competent supervisory authority (in France, the CNIL), if you consider that the processing of your personal data constitutes a violation of applicable texts, in accordance with article 77 of the RGPD.

- Right to define guidelines for the storage, deletion and communication of your personal data after your death.

- Right to withdraw your consent at any time :for purposes based on consent, Article 7 of the GDPR states that you can withdraw your consent at any time. This withdrawal will not call into question the legality of the processing carried out prior to the withdrawal.

- Right to portability : under certain conditions specified in Article 20 of the GDPR, you have the right to receive the personal data you have provided to us in a standard machine-readable format and to require their transfer to the recipient of your choice.

- Right to object : under article 21 of the GDPR, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. However, note that we will be able to maintain their treatment despite this opposition, for legitimate reasons or the defense of legal rights.

You can exercise these rights by writing to us using the contact details below. On this occasion, we may ask you to provide us with additional information or documents to justify your identity.

8. Point of contact to exercise your rights

If necessary, you can ask all your questions directly to the person in charge of personal data by sending an email to the following address:;

Or by mail: 51 rue Robespierre, 93100, Montreuil.


9. What cookies do we use?

To find out more about the management of cookies, we invite you to consult our cookie policy of Website, And that of The Application.

10. Modification of the privacy policy

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time, in particular in accordance with changes in applicable laws and regulations. These changes will apply as of the effective date of the amended version. You are therefore invited to regularly consult the latest version of this policy. However, we will keep you informed of any significant changes to this privacy policy.


Effective as of: July 20, 2023