Recommend m-work to my employer

Hybrid work, flex-office, remote work, and the different work rhythms in general create a great deal of complexity in knowing when to come to the office.

With m-work, visualize the arrival of your colleagues, apprentices, external service providers in one click, and save time in your organization thanks to our calendar and HR tool integrations (no more double entry!).

If your company has not yet subscribed to m-work services, but you would like to, recommend us to your HR or manager!

Talk to your employer about m-work:

Your employer
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Purpose: implementation of a tool for planning the presence of teams and offices

Madame, sir,

I am contacting you as a ______ trusted third party who recommends you M-Work, the app for organizing hybrid work and offices for ______.

  • m-work allows you to bring your employees back for good reasons, by simplifying on-site meetings and presence visibility.
  • m-work allows you to save money by adapting your spaces to the real uses of employees and managing the flex office.
  • m-work saves managers time in managing their team.
  • m-work makes it possible to automate the follow-up of the telework declaration to unburden your HR teams.
  • m-work is painless in your HR management because it is 100% compatible with your payroll and leave tools.
  • m-work helps your employees to be efficient by reducing the organizational mental load, with good remote working practices, etc...

On their application, they can:

  1. Declare their office schedule in one click and book a position if you are in flex-office
  2. Visualize the presence throughout the company and find their colleagues
  3. Track their countdown of teleworking days according to the rules set by the company or their team

Offering m-work means providing yourself with a tool appreciated by employees to attract and retain them by saving them time while strengthening cohesion.

We would be happy to tell you more, let's make an appointment?

+33 6 59 86 01 78 or

While waiting for your answer, which I hope will be favorable, please accept Madam, Sir, my respectful greetings.


Co-founder and CEO