Manage your hybrid work environment thanks to the power of data

With m-work, use data to adapt your offices to the needs of your teams, optimize your resources, and improve the employee experience.
Whether you are working in hybrid work, shared offices or multi-sites, m-work finally makes the occupation of spaces and resources visible.
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No longer entrust your work organization to chance


Develop a real hybrid work environment strategy

Get accurate data on the occupancy rates of your offices
Customize your dashboards by team, date, status, office...
Adapt offices and resources to your discoveries and to the feedback of your teams
m-work for Directorates-General
adapt your-orga

Conduct all the necessary analyses on your spaces

Historical, real-time and predictive occupancy data
Simple exports to share your discoveries with your management
Customize your reports according to your needs
Learn more about Data Analytics

Enhance the office, but not only

Data on the use of teleworking (preferred day, team preferences, etc.)
Tracking travel time and associated carbon
Identify habits to adapt your hybrid work policy
m-work for Human Resources

Optimize your offices for good

Adapt your company restaurant, heating, etc. to the number of visitors
Reduce the number of offices and offer enough meeting rooms
Anticipate your next real estate project and adjust your offices to your growth
m-work for General Services

“More than 85% of employees use this solution on a daily basis, which allows you to have data in real time to be able to better manage Cegid sites to get the best possible benefit from them.

Thierry Galvagni


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Take your workplace strategy to the next level

Discover how m-work helps hundreds of businesses optimize their workplace strategy every day. Finally, offer a modern work experience adapted to new ways of working.
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No double entries thanks to integrations

Automatic absence and leave reports, user provisioning, links with your clocking machines... m-work integrates with your existing tools to have the most up-to-date data to guide your strategic decisions.
What types of data can I analyze with m-work?
With m-work, you can analyze a wide variety of data, including office occupancy rates, remote work preferences, CO2 associated with employee commutes, and much more.

You can also ask your Customer Success Manager for specific Enterprise Plan reports, according to your needs.
Is the data in real time?
Yes, m-work offers real-time analytics, but you also have access to historical and predictive data for more strategic planning.
Can I customize my dashboards?
Absolutely! You can customize your dashboards according to various parameters such as date, employee status, and even by team or department.
Can I share these analyses with other members of my team?
Yes, you can easily export your data and dashboards to share with your team or management.
How is the carbon impact on m-work calculated?
We built a methodology based on ADEME calculations, then audited by Greenly, an expert in carbon balance. Each m-work user is able to enter their means of transport and address, which will automatically calculate the CO2 associated with trips home to work, but also the distance and time spent on these trips.

This data is then laundered and aggregated in order to provide a global picture of the carbon impact of home-work trips for CSR departments. Find more information on m-work for CSR departments here.
Is the data secure?
Data security is one of our priorities. All data is encrypted and we adhere to the highest security and confidentiality standards.

Furthermore, all data is hosted within the European Union, in compliance with the RGPD.

m-work answers your questions!

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