Integrate your HR tools and your existing IS to save time

m-work synchronizes with your internal tools without additional deployment in order to make your data reliable


Don't waste another second


Streamline your business processes through integrations

m-work interfaces securely with your HR, calendar and email tools.

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Control and facilitate employee authentication

m-work connects to your identity provider to save you time and secure the access of your employees (SSO...).

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No double entries thanks to integrations

m-work integrates with your existing software, so no more glitches to get your teams on board.

“The objective in taking flex-office software was for it to be easy to use so that we can all find each other easily, and organize our work.

m-work really met this quality, which was efficiency and the tool has a great deal of internal support !”

Loïc Dubois

QVT manager

“More than 85% of employees use this solution on a daily basis, which makes it possible to have data in real time to be able better manage Cegid sites to get the best possible benefit from them.

Thierry Galvagni

DSI member of Comex

“It's a tool extremely collaborative, simple, adapted to each user, and which does not require instructions to use it.

To try it is to adopt it!”

Guy Poyen

Marketing & Digital Customer Director

“The advantage of switching to m-work was to have a tool that is flexible and intuitive, so that the statements are consistent with the actual organization of work.

So it is a real business management tool, for the manager, the employee, and not just a tool for HR.”

Mathias Caballero

HR Development Director at Chorum

“The choice of m-work is part of a strategic project to organize work and optimize our spaces.

The deployment reflects this dynamic: a collaborative, simple and pragmatic tool that adapts to changing user needs.

Pascal Pigot

General manager

“The tool allowed us both tooptimize the use of our offices - and meeting rooms - but above all to increase employee cohesion, our remote work policy being very flexible.”

Rémi Spicher

Associate Director

“m-work is the most suitable application for what we were looking for: ease of use, flexibility in terms of configuration, ergonomics and speed of deployment.”

Léa Zaouk

HR Development Manager

“The solution was quickly adopted by all our employees, and is now an indispensable part of our internal functioning.

The tool is constantly evolving and offers ever more relevant functionalities.”

Vincent Torres


Find their testimonies

Features that make life easier

Telework declaration
Information that is finally filled in, up to date, and integrated into your HRIS
Presence visualization
Transparent vision of presence to facilitate organization
Telework rules
Integration of business rules (days, alerts,...)
Reports & analyses
Dashboards and data on spaces and uses
Full autonomy
Total autonomy in the management of users, spaces and rules
Accompanied launch
Training visions and launch to ensure adherence to the tool

Find out what m-work can do for you

Let's get in touch to see how m-work can make your business more efficient!
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