The all-in-one platform to optimize your hybrid work environment

Manage the organization of your teams in hybrid work, optimize your real estate occupancy and strengthen the feeling of belonging with the m-work application
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The functionalities of m-work, the hybrid work platform


Simplify office reservations

Simplify office reservations and ensure optimal use of your space with your hybrid teams.
Booking jobs on m-work

Give everyone visibility on presence

Offer transparency and better organization to your teams who have adopted hybrid work, to know at a glance who is where, when, to easily meet up in the office.
The m-work online team schedule
adapt your-orga

Follow your remote work policy

Define clear and adaptable telework and presence rules for each team, all integrated into your tools.
Learn more about remote work rules

Understand your hybrid work environment

Use reliable data to make informed decisions about your work environment in terms of real estate, team organization, and CSR.
Learn more about data analysis

Manage the reservation of meeting rooms in a few clicks

Give your teams access to your meeting rooms and resources in a few clicks!
The meeting rooms on m-work

Manage your parking resources easily

Optimize the management of your parking spaces for employees and visitors.
Learn more about parking reservations

“The objective in taking a flex-office application was to make it easy to use so that we could all find each other easily and organize our work.

m-work really met this quality, which was efficiency and the tool has a great deal of support internally!

Loïc Dubois

QVT manager

“We were looking for a ergonomic solution to organize flex-office, teleworking and reserve workstations or meeting rooms.

m-work fully met our expectations, and won a great support by the teams !”

Isabelle Deroure

Facility Management Manager


“More than 85% of employees use this solution on a daily basis, which makes it possible to have data in real time to be able better manage Cegid sites to get the best possible benefit from them.

Thierry Galvagni


“The advantage of switching to m-work was to have a tool that was flexible and intuitive, so that the declarations were consistent with the real organization of work.

So it's a a real tool for managing activities, for the manager, the collaborator, and not simply a tool for HR.

Mathias Caballero

HR Development Director

“The choice of m-work is part of a strategic project to organize work and optimize our spaces.

The deployment reflects this dynamic: a collaborative, simple and pragmatic tool that adapts to changing user needs

Pascal Pigot

General manager

The tool allowed us both to optimize the use of our offices - and meeting rooms - but above all to increase employee cohesion, our remote work policy being very flexible.

Rémi Spicher

Associate Director

m-work is the most suitable application for what we were looking for: ease of use, flexibility in terms of configuration, ergonomics and speed of deployment.

Léa Zaouk

HR Development Manager


The solution was quickly adopted by all our employees, And is now an indispensable part of our internal functioning.

The tool is constantly evolving and offers ever more relevant functionalities.

Vincent Torres


Find their testimonies

No double entries thanks to integrations

Automatic absence and leave reports, user provisioning, link to calendars... m-work integrates with your existing tools to avoid any double entry!
/week /manager
Of satisfaction
Of adoption

Why choose m-work to manage hybrid work?


Ready to give back value to the face-to-face?

Learn how m-work can help you take the next step in managing your hybrid policy.
Meet an expert
resource - leadmagnet

The practical guide to hybrid working and flex-office


More than 65% of remote workers suffer from a lack of social interactions linked to remote work. (IFOP)

This white paper is our version of a “survival guide” in hybrid work. We don't pretend to have answers for everything, but every day, we work for hundreds of different organizations and work environments to create the best employee experience.

Download the white paper
How does m-work help to optimize the organization of remote work?
With m-work, get a 360° visibility on the presence of your teams between your different sites, teleworking, absences, trips... Alert and control systems allow managers to monitor the hybrid organization more effectively.
What are the advantages of m-work in real estate management?
Thanks to its high adoption rates, m-work offers features to monitor the occupancy rates of your workspaces. In this way, you can optimize your real estate footprint and consider a transition to a flexible work environment.
Is the tool easy to deploy and use?
Yes, m-work is designed to be easy to deploy and is loved by teams for its ease of use. We also offer training at launch to ensure smooth adoption.
How does m-work contribute to our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by calculating the carbon footprint?
m-work integrates CSR functionalities, in particular the calculation of the carbon footprint linked to the trips between home and work of your employees. This data allows you to better understand the environmental impact of your operations and to act accordingly to reduce it. These measures fit perfectly into your overall CSR initiatives by providing concrete environmental KPIs. Learn more about m-work's CSR vision.
How does m-work integrate with our current information systems?
m-work can easily be integrated with your existing information systems, including HRIS tools, Microsoft, Google, etc., for a seamless user experience.
What is the measured effectiveness of m-work?
Our customers report time savings of up to 4 hours per week per manager, and we have a satisfaction rate of 4.5 on Trustpilot.
In addition, the data collected on m-work in terms of occupancy, makes it possible to objectify your future real estate investments (or savings).

m-work answers your questions!

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