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Why choose m-work rather than my HRIS or Excel to manage hybrid work?

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Why adopt an integrated solution to manage your hybrid team?

When you are used to a tool, it is difficult to change it. However, it is sometimes essential to adopt the appropriate solutions according to the size and structure of the company. Indeed, several elements show that although changing tools can take time and represent a cost, the associated gains are often greater.

Read also: how to approach hybrid work by 2024?

Optimize operational efficiency while reducing the costs associated with managing a hybrid team

Teams tend to spend too much time managing their various tools with the implementation of integrations and other issues.

Using multiple platforms may result in additional costs. Indeed, by increasing the number of tools, teams are exposed to more technical problems requiring the use of external consultants.

By choosing an all-in-one solution, these same teams can focus on the very use of the tool by taking advantage of a service that includes the proper functioning and updating of the application.

In the specific case of hybrid work management and flex office, some companies use Excel, HRIS, shared calendars, etc.

As these tools do not synchronize, employees are forced to go back and forth between the various solutions. This is a significant waste of time, making the information less relevant.

m-work makes it possible to compensate for the loss of efficiency when a company decides to apply a hybrid work policy or to switch to flex office. Indeed, the application, available on computer or mobile, allows employees to declare their working days in the office or remotely.

All members of the same team, employees and managers combined, have access to information. This allows them to organize their week more simply and to value transparency.

The solution integrates with numerous tools (HRIS, calendar, etc.) and synchronization with the various calendars is possible.

Discover m-work integrations

It is also possible to choose your workstation, to book a meeting room or even a parking space. Employees can thus plan their arrival at the office accurately without worrying about the space available or otherwise.

Thus, the implementation of such a solution generates real savings at all levels.

Prevent changes in work, teams, etc.

Existing tools often suffer from “rigidity.” So when change is needed, the process can be quite complex. Today's business world is constantly changing, and organizations need solutions that can adapt.

It is therefore important to choose a solution that will adapt to future changes effectively. There is no question of implementing a tool that, on paper, seems to solve the majority of the problems associated with hybrid and flex office work if it is not scalable.

In fact, when a company starts to set up a flex office for example, it is not uncommon for this to be done in stages. There is often a test phase to verify that such a working method is possible.

Where appropriate, the new policy is often deployed throughout the premises. It is therefore important that the solution that drives the implementation of flex office is able to adapt, deployment after deployment.

Organize the return to the office

Recently, businesses are looking to give meaning to coming to the office.

Nevertheless, This return to the office requires support if we want it to be organized calmly and to last over time. Hybrid work management tools address this problem. They make it possible to instill a real sense of belonging in employees.

In fact, applications like m-work make it possible to offer visibility on the presence of teams. By knowing who is coming when, this prevents employees from being alone in the office.

In addition, when the tool chosen is flexible and able to adapt to changes in the company, it is then synonymous with great added value for the various teams. Indeed, managers can make decisions while knowing that the solution will follow and employees do not have to change tools and can truly become familiar with the one already in place.

Choosing an appropriate solution is therefore a performance driver. The direct implementation of m-work with teams makes it possible to transform flexibility into a performance driver. Since the solution adapts to the needs of employees and managers, it allows them to focus on their work and not on agenda concerns. So, productivity is strengthened and future developments and changes are often synonymous with good news.

Centralize data to make better use of it

Organizations today produce a considerable amount of data. To manage and use this volume of information, teams need modern tools that are designed with complexity in mind.

In the continuity of saving time and money, and the ability to adapt to changes in business organization, intelligent data collection is another benefit of implementing an all-in-one solution.

By using an application like m-work, it is possible to manage the work environment more effectively through data analysis.

The solution makes it possible to use data to adapt offices to team needs, optimize resources, and improve the employee experience. Whether the problem is that of hybrid work, shared offices or multi-sites, m-work makes the occupation of spaces and resources visible. All centralized on a single tool.

As the solution is intended to be as suitable as possible, the reports are customizable according to the needs of organizations. Managers can monitor the uses and habits of employees and better adapt hybrid work policies. They can also adapt the company restaurant, and the heating according to attendance.

With regard to this environmental aspect, m-work allows employees to calculate the CO2 emitted during trips from home to office. Organizations can use this data to promote alternative means of transport and reduce their carbon footprint as much as possible.

Know what is really needed and what is not really needed

Setting up a new tool is not always the solution. This mainly depends on the size and structure of the organization.

If there are no teleworking or flex office problems, then it is not useful to set up a dedicated solution. A shared agenda is more than enough. Nevertheless, it is still interesting to learn about existing solutions. Business life is not linear, changes in direction can happen quickly.

News and various events can have an impact on the policies of organizations. For example, the arrival of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris is creating new problems for many companies that are thinking about how to set up hybrid work correctly and effectively.

Anticipating makes it possible to overcome a certain number of disadvantages that may appear during a change of policy within organizations.

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