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Hybrid work and conflicts between manager and employees ‍

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With the democratization of teleworking, the The manager's role is evolving. Now, its mission is not only to ensure the well-being and productivity of employees in the workplace, but also remotely.

However, in this second case, it is much more complicated to judge the quality of work achieved and the involvement of everyone. According to research in the Work Trend IndeXpulse report, 85% of managers say that with the shift to hybrid work, it is now much more difficult to report on the productivity And of the performance of their employees.

Faced with this observation, many companies are looking to Reinventing the employee experience in order to improve the competitiveness and attractiveness of their business while guaranteeing well-being and the development of their workers.

The hybrid work, due to the multiplicity of “workplaces”, has gradually generated a split between employees and managers.

Managers must then react in order to find a balance between the interests of employees and the well-being/sustainability of the company.

How does hybrid work force businesses to reinventemployee experience in order to support the employee motivation and to promote overall productivity of the company?

Difficulties in measuring productivity remotely

Before the development of hybrid work, it was apparently easier for managers to prosecute ofthe productivity of their employees, because they were simply working right in front of them. Now, managers no longer have the same visual indicators of productivity as before. In a country like France where the Culture of presenteeism is still very strong, it is a real upheaval.


At a distance, a greater freedom and autonomy are granted to employees. It is no longer so obvious to track activity of employees and their productivity. So they can work outside of their hours or do personal tasks without anyone noticing.

Ce lack of control on the part of managers and this gain in freedom can affect the overall productivity of the company. According to a recent Microsoft study, more than 49% of managers Doubting the effectiveness of their teleworking collaborator, thinking that they are not giving the best of themselves.

Faced with Doubts from those responsible, a large number of employees feel a additional pressure to “prove” their effectiveness when they work from home. This pressure is mainly involved in Feeling overworked shared by many of them.

A lack of motivation to return to the office 

With the possibility of working from home, in a environment more familiar and less stressful, the reasons to return to the office are less obvious than before.

Now it is possible toattend its meetings from his home, without the need to travel all the way to his office. On average, remote workers save One hour of transport per day by working from home. La first source of motivation to go to the workplace is no longer to work as before, but to socializing and strengthen relationships within his team.

Faced with this change, managers Therefore must reorganize team times in order to strengthen cohesion.

The negative externalities of hybrid work

Although a vector of numerous advantages, such as flexibility And the empowering workers, hybrid work can have harmful effects for the company as well as for the well-being of individuals.

At a distance, Exchanges between collaborators are generally colder, which can lead to Misunderstandings sometimes even going as far as litigation.

Interactions are then limited to simple messages And emails, the calls As for them are increasingly rare. This lack of interaction generates for some employees a Feeling isolated. Indeed, they now spend almost all of their day alone behind the computer screen. Managers must therefore put in place measures in order to promote social ties in a hybrid if they want to avoid Burnouts and a high rate of Turnover.

Finally, teleworking can in some cases be synonymous with drop in productivity. Les distractions at home are generally more numerous and it is not always easy to resist them. These various distractions are then sources of delay in the various tasks, generating stress and guilt.

Reinventing the employee experience

In order to shoot At best profit of hybrid work and that the latter does not affect productivity, some good practices need to be adopted.

At a distance, the swaps between collaborators are generally Abbreviated. Some employees end up feeling alone and demotivated, no longer finding theteam atmosphere that they once enjoyed.

In order to promote social ties And of fight against isolation of some, Organize Of weekly team points, if possible on company premises so that your employees can meet and hear from each other. With hybrid work, having a good team atmosphere is primordial to maintain motivation andinvolvement of all. Another possibility may be the organization of Team buildings or Of afterworks In order to recreate a corporate social life.

About m-work

Finally, for better organize hybrid work, it is essential toadopt management tools dedicated. M-Work is one of its tools that makes team life easier between teleworking and face-to-face. The tool allows employees toorganize their week by specifying their days of teleworking. This information is then Accessible and shared At HR manager but also to the other members of the team.

To find out more, click here!


What will work be like in 2024 and beyond?


What developments in the world of work have we identified this year?

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