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With the end of the vacation and the return to work, it's now or never time to take new resolutions in order to hunt his bad work habits, and in particular those concerning teleworking.

Since teleworking offers greater autonomy and freedom, it is not always easy to stay focused when you practice it. In fact, when you work from home, multiple temptations can distract us, whether it's a sudden desire to put away personal papers, to get on with our household chores or even to rest.

To remedy this, in this article, we offer you some good tips to be more productive and motivated when working from home..

How do you stay motivated?

In order to remain as focused as possible on your missions when you work from home, some good habits should be adopted.

Indeed, in order not to get lost in your various tasks and find yourself discouraged, it is good to write a “To do list”. In this “to do”, try to prioritize your tasks as much as possible in order to prioritize the most important ones.

The simple fact of writing down the various tasks of the working day on paper makes it easier to find your way around and to free your mind.

However, if you are lost or drowned in your various missions, do not hesitate to contact your manager to discuss the matter with him.

If you are dreamy and distracted, and have a habit of pouncing on your phone at the first notification, consider turning off notifications from your personal social networks.

It's important to keep your phone close so you can answer in case of a call, but a good tip is to take your phone out of sight while keeping it nearby so you won't be less tempted.

Tip: if your employer allows it, use two telephones in order to clearly separate private and professional matters.

Finally, if you are often disturbed and interrupted when working from home, try to avoid noise or sources of disturbance as much as possible (noisy neighbors, construction, pets, etc.). Ideally, work from a isolated room of the rest of your home.

If your home is not adapted to the practice of teleworking, think of coworking spaces. You can also telework from a library, or even a coffee shop.

Take care of yourself and your mental health

One of the harmful aspects of teleworking is deterioration of social ties that binds the teams together. At a distance, exchanges are shorter. Les informal discussions People around the coffee machine are a distant memory, and we now take less time to be interested in the lives of our colleagues.

Teleworking limits social interactions professionals. To remedy this, go to your company premises frequently and try to participate as much as possible in afterworks or Team buildings.

Finally, as a manager, remember to check in with your employees who are teleworking as regularly as possible, and to develop team rituals.

Likewise, be careful that your working hours do not interfere with your rest. It is often tempting to work more than expected, and to respond to emails outside of dedicated hours. The line between professional and personal life is often more blurred when working from home. To remedy this, there is unfortunately no miracle solution except to be there very watchful.

Read also: Teleworking: how to maintain social ties at work? Our 4 best practices

Use the right equipment

Have a adapted equipment to the practice of teleworking is essential. A good internet connection, a printer... are all factors that simplify working from home. Legally, your employer must provide you with all the necessary tools. Indeed, as a teleworker, you are supposed to benefit from the same equipment as your colleagues who work from company premises.

Read also: Teleworking: how to organize your space?

Finally, use adapted tools to your needs when you work from home, in order to find the right people when you go to the office, and to warn when you stay at home. This is what the m-work remote work management tool allows in particular.

M-Work is a software app that allows you to declare your teleworking days and know those of your colleagues.

With m-work, your teams are organized very simply in hybrid mode, and come to the office to experience collaborative moments, in the service of your corporate culture.

To find out more, click here!

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