
The major player in research in France, the ANR or Agence Nationale de Recherche, coordinated the implementation of the m-work tool with a move and the implementation of the flex office.

Besoin de l'entreprise :
Growing agency + implementation of the flex office
Solution pour l'entreprise :
Flex office and remote work software
Date de création
500 employees
R&D in human and social sciences
The National Research Agency (ANR) is an administrative public institution, under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. The Agency provides funding for research on projects, for public operators in cooperation with each other or with companies. At the end of the health crisis, the Agency faced new problems in terms of organization. First of all, the ANR is growing strongly, with significant recruitments. In addition, remote working has been implemented over the long term for a large majority of agents. This therefore led the agency to move to new premises, which also involved a move to a flex office.

Growing and diverse issues

The ANR teams had to deal with several problems simultaneously. First of all, the agency is growing, with more than 500 employees today. With this increase in headcount, the Covid crisis has disrupted working habits and has been accompanied by the democratization of teleworking within ANR teams.

Finally, the agency moved to new premises equipped according to a flex office principle.

Loïc Dubois
QWL & Prevention Manager

“The objective in taking flex-office software was that it was easy to use so that we could all find each other easily, and organize our work. m-work really met this quality, which was efficiency. [...] They are professional, efficient, and the tool has a great deal of support internally! ”

Employees who want to find each other better

The objective was to find a flex office software that would allow ANR members to find each other quickly and easily. The software had to be easy to use so that all employees could use it and thus end up in the office.

In addition, the ANR payroll teams were looking for a solution that could, thanks to the declaration of teleworking days, calculate the corresponding telework allowances.

Effective implementation in less than ten days

The deployment was a success from the first week; a majority of ANR teams started using it very quickly, especially business teams to calculate remote work benefits. The tool has a great deal of support internally, thanks to its simplicity and its strong capacity for customization.

Loïc Dubois, head of prevention and quality of life at work at ANR, underlines the quality of the support provided by m-work teams: “the m-work teams are very professional and effective in their collaboration. Thanks to them, we were able to quickly deploy the tool within ANR. They are very responsive and respond as quickly as possible to all of our questions and requests. In addition, they helped us, throughout the deployment and afterwards, to adapt the tool to our needs and trained us in the administration of the tool.

This is very simple and allowed us in particular to re-configure all our offices during the move. ”


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