
The international leader in cloud management solutions Cegid equips its employees and m-work managers to support them in the face of the challenges of hybrid work.

Besoin de l'entreprise :
Simplified management of presence on site or remotely, as well as flexible office layout in new premises.
Solution pour l'entreprise :
Flex office and remote work software
Date de création
3600 employees
Cloud management software publishing
France and international
Founded in 1983, Cegid has been positioning itself for several years as a trusted partner for companies looking for advanced technological solutions for the management of their activities. With a global presence and in-depth expertise in various sectors, Cegid supports companies of all sizes, from SMEs to large companies, in their digital transformation. With the recent democratization of remote working, the management teams at Cegid sought to support their employees in the face of the transformation of work driven by the Covid crisis.

Managers struggling with the growing diversity of workplaces

With the use of teleworking, we have been able to observe a multiplication of workplaces and in particular within the teams at Cegid, which are spread over more than 30 sites around the world. Very quickly, managers found themselves helpless in the face of employees scattered between offices and their homes. The need to find each other and to be able to know everyone's workplace was then felt.

“We were therefore committed to being able to provide our managers with a management tool that would allow them to solve a simple problem; to know in real time where their employees are in order to be able to organize work on site or remotely.” Thierry Galvani

The problem was clear, it was to be able to manage the autonomy of all the group's employees and to give them the means to be able to manage their work both at home and also on Cegid sites in the most effective way possible.

André Brunetiere
CPTO and manager of a department with more than 1500 employees at Cegid

“We felt the need to adopt adapted tools in order to restore value to the face-to-face and motivate our employees to meet on site as was the case before.”

A smooth and efficient deployment

Initially, the teams in charge of internal security at Cegid verified that the security level of the m-work tool was compatible with their very high level of requirements.

“We therefore worked a lot with the CISO and the DPO to verify that everything was in compliance. Once this validation stage was completed, we were able to launch the project.” Thierry Galvani

The deployment began with a pilot within the DSI, who was equipped in less than ten days, allowing them to become familiar with the product and ensure its quality. Following the success of the pilot, the tool was then deployed more widely to the rest of the Cegid teams.

“Change management was extremely simple since the application is very intuitive and we were very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the ergonomics and the ease of implementation and handling of this solution, within the teams. I would even say that the teams have taken ownership of the solution. “Thierry Galvani

In parallel with the challenges associated with teleworking, Cegid has acquired new offices in which they wanted to set up a flex office in order to be able to optimize their new workspaces as best as possible.

“m-work also supported us in setting up a new flex office site. Thanks to m-work, we were able to choose our workstation and to reserve certain rooms within the building.

Being able to make reservations via a simple management tool is an essential asset for our teams in order to be able to work together and meet up in the offices. “André Brunetiere

Employees seduced by the tool demonstrate very high adoption rates

Because of its simplicity of implementation, the solution allowed Cegid's teams to guarantee a high level of support. Today, more than 85% of their employees use m-work on a daily basis.

“The m-work tool immediately appealed to us, because it makes it easy to organize these moments of meetings in the office, to share information between employees, all while avoiding a top-down approach. The aim is for employees to be able to organize their social life in the office themselves.” André Brunetiere

Thus, thanks to the declarations made, it is now possible to know in real time the place where its employees are, and where they will be tomorrow. Its declaration data is centralized within the tool and is integrated into the entire HR ecosystem. In particular, they allow the production of advanced statistics on the occupancy rate of offices or even the CO2 saved by the exercise of teleworking.

“This high level of adherence is particularly important for us since the primary aim of implementing this type of tool is to measure the significant interest of our employees. In addition, it guarantees us reliable data thanks to the veracity of the data entered. “Thierry Galvani

“We have also started to deploy m-work within other organizations and also as part of the numerous acquisitions that Cegid is making today in France, but also internationally, which has allowed us to derive even greater value from it.” Thierry Galvani


Organize your teams.
And that's all.

With m-work, reorganize your remote teams and offices while having total visibility on work trends across the organization.
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