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Energy sobriety and businesses

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On September 5, Emmanuel Macron held a press conference on the energy crisis in France and, more importantly, Europe. He calls on the French to greater energy sobriety with a target of 10% energy savings within 2 years.

In fact, as a result of the War in Ukraine, France has not been supplied with Russian gas since June 15; the State having condemned Russia's behavior in the war in Ukraine, Moscow has suspended its gas exports to France as well as to a number of European countries. As a reminder, Russian gas represents more than 17% of French gas imports. Even if it is much less than our German neighbors, for example, it is still considerable, especially with regard to the European energy market.

During his speech, the French President thus specified that “if we collectively know how to behave more soberly, there will be no No rationing and no cuts.”

He adds that”everyone has their role to play” for energy sobriety and that “the best energy is the one that is not consumed”.

At the microphone of France Inter, Elisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister, encourages companies to be more energy efficient, and calls on each of them to establish their own Sobriety plan.

Faced with these various injunctions from the government, what should businesses expect?

To deal with The increase in energy prices and in the event of a possible shortage, businesses will have to reduce their consumption. The primary objective is to avoid “rationing” in energy matters.

But is it possible for them to reduce their consumption by 10%?

For Vincent Sciandra, founder of Metron, a startup specializing in Green Tech, such an objective is realizable, but does involve drastic changes in the ways businesses operate.

In order to support and help businesses, Elisabeth Borne is working with the government and business leaders on a possible “right to consume” mechanism, inspired by the Canadian economist John Dales's Polluting Rights Project.

The principle seems simple: to distribute to each company a certain quantity of rights to consume. The total amount of consumer rights distributed to businesses must correspond to a acceptable level of energy consumption. A very energy-intensive company that exceeds its quotas will be forced to buy energy from a company that consumes less energy. This mechanism therefore makes it possible tonurture businesses to consume less and to invest in new technology less consuming.

However, this project is still very theoretical, even though the start of the school year is already well under way.

The actions expected from companies therefore now consist of:

  • the creation of a Sobriety plan specific to each company in September
  • The appointment of a ambassador per company, on the same model as that of the Covid referents
  • The adoption of cleaner means of mobility on the part of their employees

What should we mean by an “ambassador of sobriety”?

Elisabeth Borne, during her speech before the greatest business leaders, asked companies to nominate within their structure an “ambassador of sobriety”. Within his company, he must ensure the implementation of defined measures beforehand and Employee information. All staff are informed of their appointment and their missions. Finally, in the case of small businesses, the manager can take on this responsibility.

However, are these measures indicative or mandatory?

For the time being, the government has no plans to ensure the adoption of these measures by means of verification or control.

Olivia Grégoire, Deputy Minister for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, specifies that “this is not our state of mind at all.” It is in the interests of businesses of reduce their expenses. It remains to be seen how to ensure compliance with these measures...

Focus on the first ideas of the “Industry” working group

Last September 7 was held the first “Industry” working group which brought together professionals from the sector in order to discuss energy issues. The various representatives discussed several measures and methods in order to limit energy waste and to organize energy efficiency in the industrial sector.

Aux Common sense measures, such as a reduction in heating or better lighting management (which can lead to up to 70% less expenses), are added measures specific to the industrial sector.

The latter mainly relate to:

  • logistics chains
  • industrial processes
  • the organization of work within companies

Concerning the industrial processes, the “IdeCarbone” initiative was presented by the “New Energy Systems” committee. This initiative aims to connect companies and professionals who want to decarbonize, but above all to reference decarbonization solutions.

The Railway Industries Federation also added that the innovation was favorable To a better management energy. In particular, it takes the example of the “TGV of the future”, which optimizes energy and has a system for recovering energy when braking.

Finally, a large number of players in the sector have shown their desire to better share their best practices and ideas.

About m-work

On this subject in particular, M-Work, a remote work management solution, allows businesses to manage their organization in order to optimize the visit to the office, and therefore to reduce their consumption.

To find out more, click here!

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Through daily exchanges with HR professionals, managers and employees, we observed key trends that we explore in this document.

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