A picture is often worth more than a thousand words. This is the reason why, to present 2023 to you from our lens, we preferred to share this infographic with you.

The claim of hybrid fashion
This year 2023 was the confirmation of the desire of employees to work in hybrid mode. While we hear a lot about a massive return to the office, the reality of the desire of employees is quite different.
Thus, their preferred hybrid working mode would be 3 days of teleworking per week, for nearly 40% of them. They highlight the savings made, especially on trips and meals. It is also the avoided travel time and the ability to concentrate that are popular.
However, few people want to move towards a 100% teleworking mode. The first reason for returning to the office is indeed the desire to be reunited with your team. At m-work, we have observed that users who change their schedules a week before D-Day do so en masse after consulting the team schedule.
A time-saver for managers
One of the real problems with the hybridization of work is the associated lost time. In fact, hybrid meetings are still not well experienced by nearly three-quarters of employees.
What's more, managers are unanimous on the importance of seeing their team regularly. Thus, managing a hybrid team is fundamental to finding common time and spending time with everyone.
Thus, m-work allowed each manager (on an average basis of 8 people per team) to save more than 5 days in the year. Concretely, m-work gives them one week back!
If you want to know more about how m-work can support your managers, while helping you optimize your spaces, Let's talk about it!