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The 3 upheavals in the role of managers in hybrid mode

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The health crisis has had a considerable impact on the working methods of employees but also on The place of managers in this new work organization.

In fact, the managerial skills implemented in person, are completely disrupted by social distance And the virtual interactions that teleworking involves.

One successful management in hybrid mode (mix office/remote work) mobilizes as much human qualities of the manager (empathy, support, encouragement, trust...) that his organizational skills.

Here are the 3 biggest changes in their roles.

#1: Managers must even more maintain the well-being of employees in hybrid mode

The well-being of employees has always been a concern for businesses and one of the main roles of managers.

However, since the health crisis, the mental and physical health of employees is at the forefront of concerns businesses.

Indeed, with the appearance of teleworking, new problems have emerged and the well-being of employees has been more disrupted than ever. And depending on the profiles, the mix between teleworking and office presence was more or less difficult to adopt.

Read also: The impact of teleworking on work/life balance

Our advice to support an employee working from home

Anticipating the needs of the employee:

  • Verify that the collaborator has the good work tools (internet network, printer, workspace...)
  • Verify that the collaborator is familiar with collaborative tools and is able to use them properly 
  • Organize regular individual exchange times in order to detect drops in employee morale, thanks to a “DRH-managers” tandem

Organize the collaborator's work:

  • Validate and prioritize teleworkable activities
  • Promote the trust and the commitment of its collaborator

Ensure the follow-up of the collaborator:

  • Find a poise between overcontrol and lack of follow-up
  • Respect the Right to disconnect Of the collaborator

Read also: The right to disconnect

#2: The manager no longer has a role of control but of supporting employees working remotely

While previously the manager occupied a role of controlling and verifying the tasks carried out, this is no longer the case in hybrid mode.

Indeed, in 100% face-to-face, Autonomy of employees is very limited insofar as the physical proximity to the manager is strong.

Now, in hybrid mode (remote work/office mix), the manager now manages the interactions between the members of his team remotely. It thus plays a role of facilitator and must have an integer trust in its collaborators.

Read also: Why should managers trust their employees in 2022? 

In fact, In teleworking, the manager is the main actor in the social link between his teams. and the company. The need support is strengthened and employees need regular formal or informal exchanges.

For the moment, hybrid work seems to be poorly supervised, only 36% of small and medium-sized businesses really supervise teleworking according to an Apec study. However, more and more teleworking agreements are being signed and better frame the role of managers in hybrid mode.

In 2021, Negotiations around teleworking in business have been multiple. Indeed, the number of agreements and amendments has been multiplied by 4 between 2018 and 2021, according to an analysis of Sia Partners.

Read also: 5 key figures to understand hybrid work trends

#3: The manager must rethink teamwork in a hybrid mode

The concept of “working together” is more difficult to understand when employees are not physically in the same place.

Indeed, from the organization of team meetings, to a simple coffee break, It is necessary for the manager to adapt to new ways of recreating relationships while working from home.

3 ideas to create a link with your employees in hybrid mode:

  • Create moments of informal sharing by videoconference. Indeed, you can for example open a zoom from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. so that the members of your team can take a break with their colleagues;
  • Use collaborative tools that promote exchanges remotely in an effective way and more fun than a simple video conference. The application Klaxoon is the perfect example;
  • Set up games that will replace your team building activities. For example, virtual escape games are very widespread and appreciated by employees.

Here is another example, set up by Spotify :

“We have adapted the way we do our work in this area, from in-person events to virtual experiences that create opportunities for community and belonging by celebrating different cultural moments throughout the year,” communicates Spotify.

Read also: Spotify's “Work From Anywhere” program generalizes the transition to 100% remote work

m-work and the role of managers in the organization of hybrid work

M-Work is a solution that allows teams to optimize their time, and strengthen cohesion in a hybrid context.

The solution allows managers to easily find their employees, and for them to organize their schedule in a simple and very collaborative way.

Do you want to discuss it? Do not hesitate to contact us.

What will work be like in 2024 and beyond?


What developments in the world of work have we identified this year?

Through daily exchanges with HR professionals, managers and employees, we observed key trends that we explore in this document.

Download the white paper

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