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All you need to know about remote work

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Between 2020 and 2021, the number of teleworking agreements increased by 37%, and the trend seems to be confirmed for the year 2022.

Indeed, more and more companies are deciding to take the plunge and implement teleworking within their structure. The time and productivity savings offered by it greatly motivate the transition to teleworking. Whether on the employer's or employee's side, everyone can benefit.

Teleworking seems to be becoming the new norm on the job market. More than 38% of employees would be ready to leave their job if they no longer had access to remote work according to an OpinionWay survey for Slack, and this figure is even higher among those under 35, where it rises to more than 57%.

What do you need to know before implementing remote working in your company, and how to set it up?

1) Who is eligible for remote work?

The Labor Code does not provide for any conditions or criteria that limit or constrain the implementation of telework. Each company is therefore free to organize or not teleworking within its company as it sees fit, regardless of socio-professional category.

However, in fact, some activities and certain professions are more suitable for teleworking than others.

Also, all employees of a company have the same rights, regardless of where they work. In fact, the company must not make a difference in treatment between its employees who work remotely and those who work from the premises.

With regard to the right to telework, the company may refuse its employees access to telework, but must nevertheless justify its motivation. Likewise, the refusal to telework on the part of an employee is not a valid reason for terminating an employment contract.

2) What are the benefits/benefits of remote working?

The advantages and benefits of teleworking are for the benefit of both employees and the employer.

First of all, for employees, teleworking represents a real time-saver by limiting transport times. According to a study by New York University, carried out with 4000 people each month, teleworking allows you to save an average of 1 hour on your working day, time that can be reallocated to personal or professional activities.

Teleworking also confers greater autonomy and makes the employee more responsible. In addition, the working environment at home is often quieter than at company premises, allowing greater concentration for the worker.

For the employer, teleworking makes it possible to increase the productivity of its employees while maximizing their experience and well-being. Economies of scale can also be achieved with remote working.

In fact, in parallel with the deployment of teleworking, the flex office can be set up. The flex office, by no longer allocating an office to a worker, makes it possible to reduce the size of its premises and thus its fixed costs for an equivalent population.

Finally, teleworking also significantly improves the quality of life of workers, and reduces absenteeism.

3) What are the legal obligations of the employer

There are 4 legal obligations concerning the employer.

  • The company must specify to its employees the limits of the use of computer equipment and resources entrusted to remote workers.
  • It must also define the time slots during which the employee may be likely to be contacted by his employer and his employees.
  • An annual interview should be organized with each teleworker in order to gather their “feedback” on their teleworking experience, and to ensure that the workload is not too important.
  • Finally, the company must first offer remote workers access to workstations without teleworking that correspond to their qualifications and skills.

4) How to set it up?

The implementation of teleworking no longer requires the modification of the employment contract since the law on the strengthening of social dialogue in September 2017. There are now 3 ways to contract remote working within your company.

First of all, it is possible to reach a simple agreement between the employees and the company.

Otherwise, a collective agreement can be concluded. This specifies the various terms and conditions for the practice of teleworking, in particular the time slots and access to adapted computer equipment.

Finally, the employer may decide to draw up a charter defining the framework for the application of teleworking alone, after having received the opinion of the company's economic and social committee (CSE).

5) m-work, an effective solution to set up teleworking

Setting up remote work can be a complex step for many businesses. Indeed, it is not always easy to share with the rest of your team the days you work from home and to know those of your employees.

In addition, the HR administration must declare the days its employees work from home and therefore must be able to collect information from each of its remote workers centrally.

Since teleworking days are not always fixed, evolving from one week to another and sometimes even the day before for the next day, it is difficult to find your way around.

The m-work tool makes it possible to overcome these various difficulties. In fact, the software app makes it possible to declare your teleworking days and to know those of your employees, in order to organize yourself jointly and in the best possible way.

All this information is then shared with HR teams who can then make their declaration. In addition, the application makes it possible to know the CO2 saved by the absence of travel associated with teleworking.

Are you interested in the subject? Do not hesitate to contact us!

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