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The Future of Hybrid Work in 2025: Evolutions and Trends Since 2020

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The Boston Consulting Group and the National Association of HR Directors recently published a study on the evolution of the work, organization and role of HR managers in business. Here's what we learned about hybrid work.

The upheavals of hybrid work in business in recent years

A reorganization of work for employees due to hybrid work

The most Great upheaval due to the appearance of hybrid mode coming back in the lead for 58% of respondents, is work organization within the company.

While in 2020 managerial practices were at the top of the answers, the hybrid work seems to have had a considerable impact on the organizational model of employees.

In fact, working remotely is not that easy and that requiresadaptability : whether for Communicate remotely with his colleagues, use the software usual from home or create a barrier between personal and professional life.

Read also: The impact of teleworking on work/life balance

According to previous BCG studies “Decoding global ways of working”:

  • 87% of employees want to be able Teleworking At least 1 day per week and therefore have access to a hybrid way of working;
  • 80% of employees They want working hours at least partially flexible

Read also: 5 key figures to understand hybrid work trends

A reorganization of work according to the candidates: the hybrid at the heart of concerns

76% of candidates think that offering modalities of Hybrid work is important or even essential.

Indeed, hybrid work, or telework/face-to-face mix has already attracted many employees and has become indispensable for some. The scale is such that the possibility of teleworking is now a essential criterion for new candidates According to a study byIsarta.

Read also: War for talent: 4 principles for attracting new employees in hybrid mode

Some interesting numbers:

  • 90% of HR directors recognize that the contestants of the post-covid period express different expectations
  • 78% of HR directors believe that candidates want more flexibility on where the work takes place
  • 56% of HR directors say they expect more personalizing in the organization of work
  • 46% of HRDs feel that they want more flexibility On when they work

An evolution of the manager's role in hybrid work

The rManager's role has undergone numerous transformations and in fact, 93% of them affirm that the hybrid work has changed their roles.

Employees were not the only ones affected by the upheavals of the hybrid mode, managers were also affected. They had to adapt and redefine their work models.

To take just a few examples, the communication, the strengthening of linkage between employees or even the trust are issues that the hybrid mode has brought to light and that they have had to face.

Read also: Why should managers trust their employees in 2022?

The vision of work by 2025: hybrid work as a beacon

The study also carried out projections of future trends And the Vision of work in 2025. The following conclusions can be drawn from this:

  1. The teleworking seems to be emerging as the new flagship model within the majority of businesses. And while the average number of days teleworked in 2021 was 2 days per week, the study concludes that this number should remain stable until 2025.
  1. For 39% of respondents, more than half of their employees will work from home at least one day per week by 2025 (compared to 31% in 2020)
  1. Only 1% consider for eligible employees the 100% remote

m-work and hybrid work

M-Work proposes a complete and integrated tool which makes it possible to organize and monitor the organization of hybrid work within your company.

The m-work solution allows managers to Save time on the organization of hybrid work and to the employees of be able to meet at the office, by giving priority to social ties.

Are you interested in the subject? Do not hesitate to contact us!

What will work be like in 2024 and beyond?


What developments in the world of work have we identified this year?

Through daily exchanges with HR professionals, managers and employees, we observed key trends that we explore in this document.

Download the white paper

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