
The insurance company Mutex, an expert in digital transformation, restores value to the face-to-face by managing the flex office with m-work.

Besoin de l'entreprise :
Management of presence on site or remotely, as well as a flex office layout in new premises
Solution pour l'entreprise :
Flex office and remote work software
Date de création
700 employees
Mutex is an entity of the VYV Group, the leading mutual health and social protection player in France. To continue to carry out their missions in the best conditions, and to meet the new challenges of their employees, Mutex has implemented teleworking and hybrid mode after the health crisis, at a rate of 3 days of teleworking per week.

A real need to meet in new premises converted into a flex office

Since July 2022, Mutex's 750 employees have refurbished their premises to welcome, in a new joint headquarters, their colleagues at Chorum, also a member of the Vyv Group (see Chorum's testimony).

In order to best optimize the organization of workspaces, the two insurers have chosen to manage their premises in flex office. However, they very quickly felt the need to adopt a tool adapted to the management of spaces.

In parallel with this flex office project, the Mutex teams encountered difficulties in monitoring remote work and on-site presence, although a teleworking agreement had previously been signed.

Finally, they also sought to index the allocation of restaurant tickets according to the number of days their employees worked from home.

The management of Mutex and Chorum thus jointly chose m-work, in particular for its ergonomics and adaptability, in order to simply organize their teams in this hybrid mode.

Pascal Pigot
General manager

“The deployment of m-work is part of a larger strategic project for Chorum Gestion and for Mutex to redesign our ways of organizing work and our managerial practices, as well as to optimize our workspaces. One of our satisfactions is to have been able to carry out all these projects in perfect synergy, and the final deployment of m-work reflects this dynamic: a collaborative, simple and pragmatic tool, which adapts over time to changes in user needs.”

Specific needs that require an adapted management tool

“We were looking for a solution that would allow us to know who is present and when, at the level of the two structures, Chorum and Mutex. We also wanted to integrate our service providers to also measure the building's occupancy rate and optimize the use of space.”

Finally, more concretely, we wanted to find a tool that could be scalable and that truly adapted to our needs, with a simple configuration for employees, but also for our human resources and IT teams.

At m-work, we found an easy-to-use tool that we were able to develop in partnership with our employees.”

By joining forces with m-work, Mutex has thus provided its managers and employees with a tool that allows them to save time in their daily organization and that facilitates the planning of joint moments on site.

The m-work solution gives the manager better adaptability in the organization of his team, strengthens the organizational autonomy of everyone, and is part of the dynamic of hybridization of work promoted by Mutex by giving back to the face-to-face all its meaning and value.

A tool at the service of performance that was very quickly adopted

The m-work tool was very quickly adopted by all employees of both Mutex and Chorum. Feedback from users has been excellent. “Employees were completely satisfied with the tool because of its ease of use, ergonomics and user-friendly nature. ”

Prior to the deployment, we worked with Mutex's HR teams in order to configure the tool according to the needs identified and the teleworking agreement that was signed.

“The m-work teams were very available and helpful. They were particularly responsive, which was a differentiating factor for us compared to competing offers. Our employees who worked with m-work were delighted that the needs were genuinely taken into account. ”

“Finally, we have found a real “plus” compared to other competing solutions, in particular their ability to calculate the carbon emissions of an employee when they come on site.

And this is something that is particularly appreciated by employees, especially in the current environmental context. ”


Organize your teams.
And that's all.

With m-work, reorganize your remote teams and offices while having total visibility on work trends across the organization.
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