
Mutual Chorum, a key insurance player dedicated to social and solidarity economy companies, replaces a complex SIRH entry that is not widely adopted by m-work to simply manage hybrid work.

Besoin de l'entreprise :
Overcoming the difficulties of hybridization when more employees are working from home than in person
Solution pour l'entreprise :
Flex office and remote work software
Date de création
Complementary social protection mutual insurance
Chorum Gestion is a VYV Group company, the leading mutual health and social protection player in France. After the health crisis, in order to continue to function at its best and meet the new challenges of its employees, Chorum has implemented remote working and hybrid mode three days a week.

A new context leading to new needs (moving, Covid,...)

A few years ago, before the outbreak of Covid and the health crisis, Chorum, like a large number of French companies, organized its offices on an individual “desk” logic in 100% face-to-face mode.

The Covid crisis has been accompanied by a multiplicity of upheavals, especially in the way work and the spaces dedicated to it are organized. Faced with these upheavals, Mutex teams have opted for a hybrid vision of work, in particular by offering their employees the opportunity to use remote work on an ad hoc basis. Today, there are more employees working remotely than in person at Mutex.

In parallel with this phenomenon, the 200 employees of Chorum also moved to join the 750 employees of Mutex, also members of the Vyv group, in a new joint flex-office headquarters (see testimony from Mutex).

In view of these challenges, the management of Chorum was looking for a tool that could be used by both structures (and their external service providers) to easily manage the presence in this hybrid mode. In addition, the employees of Chorum and Mutex expressed the need to be able to easily find their colleagues and business contacts in their new premises and to know whether or not they were working from home.

m-work convinced the Chorum teams in particular because of its simplicity, ergonomics and ability to adapt.

Mathias Caballero
Chorum HR Development Director

“If you are hesitant to opt for m-work, I would tell you to try it, because trying it is inevitable to adopt it! Of the various tools that have been made available to us, this is the one that is the most agile, the most flexible, the most adaptable and, above all, the easiest to use.

And in real life, that is the subject! How does the tool meet the needs of our operational staff, the needs of our managers and those employees? To my knowledge, there is no tool that better meets our needs than this one. ”

An anticipated and prepared transition

Before meeting m-work, Chorum was equipped with a traditional HRIS tool, in which remote work had to be filed. The nature of this software meant that remote work declarations did not correspond to reality, and the tool did not allow a global visualization of the presence within the company.

In addition, Chorum's management teams got closer to their operational staff and future users of the tool in order to be able to identify their real needs. Based on this first phase of analysis, and after analyzing the market for hybrid work management solutions, Mutex quickly turned to m-work because “the tool met our need for simplicity and flexibility”.

“Before switching to m-work, we had a first management tool, which was quite rigid, and which did not allow us to really know where our employees were. Since declarations were more tedious, employees tended not to change their declarations once they had been made, even in the event of a change in their schedule,” says the HR Development Director.

Thus, the Chorum teams were looking for a tool that was more flexible, more intuitive, and easier to use so that the declarations could be consistent with the real organization of work. Mathias Caballero explains on this subject: “the challenge was for it not to be a simple declarative tool with the sole purpose of guaranteeing the security of the company, but on the contrary that the tool should be of real use, both for the manager and for the employee.

Proven results (launch + adoption)

The deployment was a great success since only a few weeks after implementing the tool, we could see that 100% of Chorum employees used it almost daily. Managers were thus able to quickly manage the activity of their team, and employees were able to declare their days of presence and know those of their colleagues. “Adherence to the tool was immediate” insists Mathias Caballero.

The connection to payroll tools was also quick. The deployment lasted a few days. A simple presentation by the m-work teams was enough for all staff to get to grips with the tool and for it to be more than mostly adopted, as evidenced by the high weekly reporting rates.

Since its deployment, m-work has provided managers with greater adaptability in the organization of their teams, strengthens everyone's organizational autonomy, and is part of the dynamic of hybridization of work facilitated by Chorum.

The m-work teams supported and helped the Chorum teams to reformulate their needs and their various requests in order to adapt the tool accordingly, a tool that continues, even today, to evolve according to the feedback and needs of the teams.


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