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All you need to know about remote work interviews

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Democratized during the health crisis, teleworking is now a common practice for a large number of businesses. In order to limit its excesses, the government has put in place a legal framework around this one. According to the Labor Code, the company is free to offer its employees the practice of teleworking or not.

However, in the event that it wishes to deploy it, the company will have to undergo a certain number of legal constraints, and in particular will have to organize a annual maintenance with each of its employees in order to discuss their experience of teleworking.

To guide you through this interview, here are the answers to three main questions that you are probably asking yourself about the remote work follow-up interview.

  1. What does this interview consist of? What is the objective?
  2. Are there any sanctions in case of non-compliance with it?
  3. What to do if an employee is not satisfied with their remote work experience?

What does this interview consist of? What is the objective?

Article L1222-10 of Labor Code provides few details on the subject. It is simply stated that the interview “relates to the employee's working conditions and workload.” As a manager, it is therefore up to you to discuss the Worker's feelings and on the practical modalities of remote work.

More specifically, you need to collect the”Feedback” of your employees on their experience of teleworking, in particular if the equipment and equipment that they have been given are adapted. Once you have verified that they have satisfactory conditions, talk to them about their workload.

La frontier between private and professional life being more tenuous when working from home, employees often let themselves be overwhelmed by their workload. They then no longer respect their schedules, and are more subject to overwork And to a degradation Of their sanity. It is therefore imperative to ensure that the quantity of work required is realistic.

Since El Khomri law of Emmanuel Macron's 2017 (also called the Labor Law), employees have the right to disconnect. The Right to disconnect Is a fundamental principle according to which any employee is entitled not to remain connected to the various digital tools apart from his working hours. With teleworking, companies must therefore be all the more Vigilant to ensure that their employees respect this right.

The 2020 national interprofessional agreement, which offers a guide to good practices for teleworking, recalled theimportance of this annual maintenance, in accordance with the right to disconnect.

Beyond the legal aspects, the objective of this follow-up interview is to ensure that employees are just as Productive in teleworking and that they maintain a good balance between their professional and personal lives.

See also the article on the right to disconnect

Are there any sanctions in case of non-compliance with it?

The telework follow-up interview is a mandatory maintenance to be carried out once a year, between the manager and the employees of his team who benefit from teleworking. Although mandatory, the Labor Code does not provide for no sanctions if the company does not comply with its duty.

However, it is in the interest of the company to carry out these annual interviews, otherwise it is exposed to a more than likely supplementation Of sick leave and work stoppages.

With the recent enthusiasm for teleworking, employers have every interest in promote consultation and The exchange, and to implement regular monitoring.

In addition, it is also preferable to write a collective agreement or a Telework charter than resorting to a modest informal agreement between employees and the employer.

See also the article on the drafting of the telework charter

What to do if an employee is not satisfied with their remote work experience?

If one of your employees comes up against difficulties in teleworking, your mission is to assist him in the search for a solution. Seek with him theOrigin of his problem ; is it due to poorly adapted computer hardware, or is it due to too much work? You can also, if necessary, offer him a gradual return to face-to-face or to a reduction in his teleworking days.

If your employees are having difficulties with teleworking, it is very likely that this is due to poor quality digital tools or even to a lack of a remote work management tool.

About m-work

To remedy this, Adopt the right tools, in particular in order to organize teleworking.

For example, M-Work Is a management tool teleworking. This software app allows employees to know their respective schedule with their days of presence and their days of teleworking. Thanks to m-work, your employees can fully benefit from flexibility arising from teleworking while allowing you to increase their efficiency And their involvement.

To find out more, click here!

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