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To make every team love work, we are launching s-work

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The need: to make the organization of hybrid work accessible to all

Since our beginnings, m-work supported teams of all sizes, by offering hybrid work management and flex office solutions to support the changes in work, and in particular its hybridization.

Easily declare your coming to the office and teleworking, know who is where when, all to facilitate collaboration and making organizations more effective.

Over the months, we've learned, evolved, and adapted our solutions to meet the changing needs of the world of work.

And also since our beginnings, our users and customers have been talking to us about a key issue: the upheavals for local managers.

Read also: our article on manager exhaustion

On the front line in the face of revolutions in the way we work, they are however The forgotten ones of hybrid work management tools, concentrated primarily - and this is entirely legitimate - towards HRDs and Managers of spaces or General Services.

During our interactions with various users, we found that many managers, despite their critical role for organizations, felt limited by the lack of tools tailored to their specific needs. According to Microsoft and HBR, they are so 74% said they lack the right tools to effectively support their team.

They are thus facing vital challenges, at their own level as well, but do not always have the capacity or the authorization to adopt the tools necessary to overcome them.

Indeed, validation with an executive committee or all the departments concerned by these transformations (CIO, HR, QVT, work environment) can often be a slow process, which delays the adoption of new technologies. Moreover, hybrid work does not always concern all teams, relegating this subject to later, to the detriment of managers.

Our answer: m-work for each team - s-work

These conversations prompted us to think about how we could give. a solution adapted to managers and small teams.

So we worked on designing a simplified version of m-work, specifically designed to meet their needs - for free.

This new version integrates the basic functionalities of our original platform, while simplifying its use and making it more accessible.

With S-Work, we wanted to give teams the possibility to manage their hybrid work schedule independently, by a few minutes.

A dedicated platform

s-work aims to simplify planning management and to gain visibility to ultimately improve team collaboration and commitment.

It offers managers and their teams visibility into their hybrid schedule - who comes to the office, who is remote, at a glance and integrated into their calendar, allowing them to quickly and effectively adapt their work processes according to the changing needs of their team and organization.

In addition, s-work offers increased flexibility in terms of access and use. Built with an intuitive and easy-to-use design, it offers all the features needed to effectively manage hybrid work without the complexity or cost associated with large enterprise solutions.

Fonctionnalités de base de m-work

Into the future

We are confident that this offer will mark a significant step in the evolution of hybrid work management.

It will allow managers and teams to have more autonomy and control over their organization, while guaranteeing simplicity, efficiency and flexibility that are at the heart of our mission at m-work.

We can't wait to share this new solution with you and see how it can transform the way you work. With always a single obsession: to allow each employee to focus on what really matters, so that everyone enjoys working.

To try it out for yourself, ask for access!

What will work be like in 2024 and beyond?


What developments in the world of work have we identified this year?

Through daily exchanges with HR professionals, managers and employees, we observed key trends that we explore in this document.

Download the white paper

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