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Our advice for managing in hybrid mode

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Manager in hybrid mode, i.e. managing both remote and face-to-face teams, has been at the heart of managerial concerns.

Since the Covid crisis, a very large majority of companies have used teleworking. Now, all employees very rarely meet at the same time at the same time at the company's headquarters.

Managers must then be attentive to their teams on site, but also in teleworking. However, many people find themselves helpless in the face of this phenomenon due to a lack of training and experience.

This news managerial trend should therefore be seen as an opportunity to get out of the spiral of managerial control and to reinvent current practices, in order to promote flexibility And the wellness employees and finally, to accelerate the business transformation to gain a real competitive advantage.

Below, we've listed our top tips for managing in hybrid mode.

First of all: how do you organize yourself?

The recent health crisis has shown that it is possible to work in 100% remote. Exchanges are made thanks to video conferencing tools and digital communication. But what if only part of the team is working from home?

Some questions then need to be asked.

  • What are the days when it is necessary to work on site?
  • What are the rituals to be put in place?
  • What are the needs and abilities of employees?
  • What are the most “teleworkable” tasks and missions and which require meeting in the same place?
  • What are the skills to be acquired and what training courses should be put in place?

However, there are no universal answers to these questions. It is necessary to take into account the corporate culture, the sector in which we work and the teams themselves.

Travailler ensemble

The best thing to do is to ask your employees about their needs and expectations and to stimulate a dynamic.

The “test and learn” method, which is based on experimentation, is suitable for use in order to face this organizational challenge. Thus, companies are testing new managerial practices, even if it means improving them or not - it will depend on their results.

In order to best frame hybrid management, it is strongly encouraged to write a remote work charter which employees should stick to and can refer to.

Thus, by defining in a clear and detailed manner the conditions of face-to-face and remote working, you will facilitate the understanding and organization of your employees in hybrid mode.

How to animate team life in hybrid mode?

It is not always easy to organize team life and promote social bond remotely.

Indeed, in a hybrid, exchanges are short and fast. Moments of camaraderie and informal discussions gradually erode, sometimes leading to a feeling ofseclusion and loneliness for some.

In order to remedy this, we must focus on Moments of exchange and conviviality within the company premises. These moments are certainly rarer, but of greater quality and intensity than in the past.

A good solution can be the establishment of mandatory attendance days so that all employees can meet and see each other to share good times together. Above all, we must not forget that a company is a group of men and women working together to develop a common project.

Organizing team lunches, afterworks or team building seminars is a good way to reinvent andanimate team life in hybrid.

Hybrid management requires a perfect mastery of digital tools

Sans digital tools, no hybrid and even less collaborative work. Teleworking and collaboration remotely rely on the use of digital tools such as drive services, cloud services or even videoconferencing.

These tools make it possible to maintain exchanges at a distance. However, not all employees are necessarily comfortable with these tools. For some, using these tools is a real challenge. In order to support all employees in this digital transition, trainings should be offered to anyone who wants it.

Individu travaillant sur son ordinateur

Spaces within the company must also be redesigned to allow remote collaboration. Thus, the creation of workspaces equipped with adequate computer equipment, allowing in particular exchanges by videoconference, must be planned by the company.

For employees, it is a question of ensuring that they have all the equipment they need to carry out their missions from home.

Finally, the adoption ofdigital tools managing teams across their different workplaces can be a good solution in order to organize team life in hybrid mode.

M-Work is one of these tools. m-work thus helps managers to improve their management with hybrid teams. In the tool, employees declare their days of presence on site and their days of teleworking. Once these declarations have been made, the manager obtains a simple and legible vision of the organization of its employees over the week and can then draw decisions from it in order to promote collaboration.

To find out more about m-work, click here !

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