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How to manage your teams in hybrid/phygital mode?

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September 1 marked the end of mandatory teleworking in companies. They can now decide on their telework policy. In the first two articles of this series, we reviewed the legal obligations of companies in terms of teleworking and the coverage of teleworking expenses. In the last article in our series, we decided to focus on the new monitoring and management methods required by remote working.

What is hybrid management?

With the generalization of teleworking in companies, employees must learn to work for a few days remotely and a few days in person. While it is not always easy for employees, it is also a challenge for managers. How to manage with employees who are present, at the same time, on site but also remotely?

Olivier Lavastre, professor at the IAE in Grenoble, has conducted studies with other researchers on the effects of teleworking on the lives of employees. Their first observation is that remote work has led to overinvestment at work and exhaustion, especially on the part of managers. Indeed, they had to face a sudden change of reference and adapt their management culture to remote work.

With the return of employees on site and the implementation of a hybrid working mode, the challenge for the company is now to offer an environment and management that guarantee the greatest coherence between remote and on-site work. Values, goals, relationships should be the same in both ways of working.

Hybrid management, also called phygital management (a contraction of the word physical and digital), represents a performance driver for the company, taking the best of both worlds. Businesses that know how to make it a priority will make a difference.

How to set up effective hybrid management?

Hybrid management implies the development of the autonomy of employees. In his book “The 7 commandments of managers for effective, committed and aligned teams... even remotely”, Vincent Mendes, CEO and co-founder of Aster, discusses methods and practices for implementing effective phygital management.

One of these is the OKR method, which makes it possible to align all employees with a common objective. They then learn to work in project mode more than in controlled tasks and thus develop their autonomy.

Hybrid management also leads to new managerial cultures that are more focused on coaching and trust in teams.

Finally, hybrid management must rely on digital tools that facilitate collaboration and value human interactions all the more in order to make them a factor of performance and commitment.

Hybrid management facilitated by m-work

With the m-work solution, find support throughout your implementation of teleworking, in its long-term follow-up, and make it a strength. Our planning and monitoring tool supports all managers on a daily basis in their missions related to remote work management. This platform allows them to organize teams between presence on site and teleworking, and to promote office meetings and collaboration. Finally, m-work also provides tools to alert you to weak RPS signals among employees, in order to ensure the proper functioning of your remote work.

What will work be like in 2024 and beyond?


What developments in the world of work have we identified this year?

Through daily exchanges with HR professionals, managers and employees, we observed key trends that we explore in this document.

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