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Why work in a coworking space?

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La health crisis has changed our classic work models. In fact, between teleworking, at office or in a Third place, many employees have made the choice to no longer work as they did before.

The number of coworking spaces has thus jumped since the health crisis, in response to a new need from employees: Work better, from anywhere.

Whether you are self-employed or employed by a company, here is all our advice for choosing the right coworking space.

What is a coworking space?

One Space of coworking Is a shared workspace, made for professionals who do not work for the same company and share the same workspace.

Literally,”coworking” means”working together”.

Depending on the layout of the premises, it may be a Open Space, of individual offices or other. It is therefore free for everyone to choose the coworking space that best suits them according to their location, equipment, price, etc.

2,787 coworking spaces are listed in France, 60% more than in 2019, before the health crisis, according to a study carried out by Ubiq

The benefits of working in a coworking space

Since the health crisis, coworking spaces are often highlighted as the ideal workplace. Indeed, it makes it possible to reconcile the disadvantages of long trips between home and office and teleworking at home.

Here are the main benefits of coworking:

  • Encouraging social ties

A coworking space is above all a place where we make encounters. Whether it be in sharing a coffee break or an office.

For many employees working from home, the coworking space is a alternative to their living room And to a total loss of social connection.

Indeed, teleworking can have a negative impact for isolated employees, and this type of place promotes their socialization and exchanges.

In addition, these spaces make it possible to develop a real varied professional network.

Read also: The importance of mental health in the workplace

  • Promoting flexibility and productivity

The coworking space Maybe a alternative to teleworking from home but also in the office.

In fact, Coworking spaces are proliferating in France, so finding one less than 10 minutes from home is possible.

This will allow you to enjoy a fully equipped space for your work and close to your home.

“I think that saving 3 hours of daily travel allows me to be more productive in my work. For example, I arrive in the morning in a better state of mind, I am immediately ready to work. And I don't waste the last hour of the day rushing to finish my work or finding solutions because I know I'm going to be late due to traffic, according to Chris Cowley, architect at Oxalide and coworker at Espace Entreprises.”
  • Facilitating the separation between private and professional life

Teleworking from home is often considered to be weakening the privacy/professional life barrier.

Indeed, when an employee works alone at home, it is likely that their living room or bedroom will turn into an office or that they will respond to emails or late calls.

By avoiding all this, coworking spaces are the work solution that many employees have chosen to adopt.

“It allows me to better reconcile my professional and personal life, in the morning I can drop my children off at school and be at work 2 minutes later without having to be stressed by the vagaries of the trip,” says Chris again.

Such a workspace thus makes it possible not to mix work and private life.

Read also: The impact of teleworking on work-life balance


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