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Eco-friendly actions to adopt in the office

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What if we acted together? Like every year, the European Sustainable Development Week can be an opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of our impact on the environment. On this occasion, at m-work we offer you a small reminder of the eco-gestures to adopt in the office!

1. Optimize your emails

In 2020, the total number of emails sent and received worldwide was over 306.4 billion.

If emails remain the means of communication par excellence in the business world, it is not without consequences... In fact, for each email stored, ten grams of CO2 are generated per year. However, each French person stores between 10,000 and 50,000 unread e-mails. We'll let you do the math!

The conclusion is simple: Limit the sending of unnecessary emails. Do you want to transfer a file to your colleague at the office? Forget WeTransfer and use a good old USB stick!

Finally, concerning the several hundred unread emails that you have accumulated in your inbox, don't worry. You won't necessarily have to sort it out manually: there are solutions. Our advice? At m-work, we love the solution Cleanfox. Their application allows you to delete spam, newsletters from your mailbox for free, and even emails that have been accumulated there for months or years.

2. Making better use of the printer

In France, each employee prints around 28 pages per day, which is 70 kg of paper each year. Of these 28 pages, a quarter of the printed documents are thrown away 5 minutes after they are printed, sometimes without being read.

We agree, the printer is a great and very practical invention. However, these figures are edifying. Fortunately, this waste of ink and paper can easily be avoided. The good reflex is to reduce your printing, to print in black and white as much as possible and especially to remember to print on both sides.

3. Choosing the right search engine

What if, again, there was a solution that was more in line with your values? We all tend to choose the easy way when it comes to the search engine. However, there is no shortage of alternatives in this sector. Many innovators have created ways for us to limit our impact while surfing the web... And sometimes even to do good things! All without changing anything except your search engine. At m-work we fell in love with Ecosia, the search engine that plants trees. The more research you do, the more trees they plant. The most? Ecosia donates 80% of its profits to non-profit associations that work for reforestation.

You can also opt for Lilo, a solidarity search engine that finances social and environmental projects, chosen by Internet users.

4. Limit your energy consumption

The electricity consumption of people working in offices would represent 25% of the total electricity consumption in the tertiary sector.

Just like at home, it is important to pay attention to our energy consumption. How? Adopt simple actions such as Set your screen to go to sleep quickly. When you leave the office for 1 hour, Always remember to turn off your computer. When you get home, be sure to unplug all the sockets around you: printer, computer, etc. In the evening, it is also an opportunity to do well Close the shutters to keep the heat. Another important thing: don't forget, winter, The heating temperature should never exceed 18 degrees. Both heating and air conditioning are extremely energy-intensive equipment that should be used sparingly.

In addition, to limit your energy consumption, take care of your computer equipment. Is your computer broken? Fix it! The more you increase their lifespan, the more you limit your impact. Finally, we can't say it enough: buy second-hand and bring things back to life. You will participate in the circular economy!

5. Pay attention to your diet

It is no longer a secret: our food has a direct impact on our environment. In the office, too, he is more responsible for monitoring your diet. Whether you go to the cafeteria, bring your food home or are a fan of meal deliveries, you can make the right choices! Our advice? First of all, you can limit your meat consumption. On the other hand, you can avoid food waste by thinking of doggy bags, for example.

6. Apply the “Zero Waste” methods

This “zero waste” policy can considerably limit your impact. How? Thanks to very simple gestures. First of all, we forget about single-use plastic. No more plastic water bottles! 5,000 billion pieces of plastic are already floating in our oceans. So, it is high time to invest in water bottles and mugs. Also remember to bring your dishes, cutlery, lunch box and tote bag to transport and enjoy your meal. Small actions that are very easy to implement!

Regarding your waste, if it has not already been done, think about selective sorting. If you have space you can also think about setting up compost to revalue your waste.

7. Greening your office

We know that you love the fake plastic plant on your desk... But again, you could opt for a healthier solution! Forget industrial air purifiers that release chemical particles into the environment. There are numerous depolluting plants that can naturally clean up your work environment. These trap toxins in the air. In addition, NASA has taken the opportunity to publish a list of the best depolluting plants for you. We let you discover them.

8. Limit your trips and opt for an eco-responsible means of transport

In 2019, the use of transport represented 32% of final energy consumption.

Taking these numbers into account means, above all, limiting our trips. If you have no choice, opt for more responsible solutions, such as public transport or carpooling for example. The ideal is still cycling or walking if you have the possibility.

Finally, the most responsible thing remains to give priority to teleworking as much as possible to limit your impact on the environment.

M-Work is a comprehensive and integrated tool that makes the organization of hybrid work legible, simple and intelligent for companies and their employees. Our solution allows in particular to measuring the environmental impact of remote work for your company and your employees.

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