

The 3 reasons to create a collaborative workspace in your offices







For several years now, the health crisis has raised many questions about ways of working. Thus, from teleworking to Flex Office, through collaborative spaces, it can be difficult to choose the work model that best suits your employees.

We have thus selected the 3 main reasons for creating a collaborative workspace in your offices.

The collaborative workspace: what exactly is it?

It is a workspace dedicated to collaboration. It can take the form of common offices or even assembly of workstations.

The main idea of such a space is to decompartmentalize traditional offices in order to allow your teams to Communicate better And of working better together.

However, such a space must respect the privacy of each employee by providing quiet work areas, such as boardrooms Or “bubbles” in order to be able to make phone calls.

1. All the advantages of open space, without the drawbacks

It's easy to confuse collaborative workspaces and open spaces. Indeed, although their Type of layout is similar, there are many differences to take into account.

Thus, collaborative workspaces, just like open-spaces, allow promote collaboration, The interaction And the motivation in the offices.

However, collaborative workspaces allow you to isolate yourself and maintain privacy, unlike open spaces that do not offer this possibility.

In both cases, these are therefore offices that promote collaboration by: removing the partitions of conventional offices or even in combining several workstations.

2. Promote collaboration between all employees

The health crisis we are going through has highlighted many issues related to our work environments, our Hyper connection or even our working models.

However, the problem from which employees suffered the most was the weakening of social ties with the acceleration of teleworking.

And although from now on, there are many solutions that allow consolidate this social bond at a distance, it is important to strengthen it within the company's offices.

Collaborative workspaces are the ideal solution according to employees. In fact, they blame the lack of conviviality of partitioned offices but the lack of privacy of open space.

At the crossroads between these two working models, collaborative spaces therefore seem to have a flourishing future ahead of them..

Read also: The right to disconnect

3. Enabling your employees to be more productive

One of the reasons for creating a collaborative workspace is the desire to enable your employees to be even more productive.

Indeed, in a collaborative space, employees communicate more easily with each other, stay motivated and challenged by their colleagues.

In addition, working in such an environment will allow employees to become more involved in carrying out their missions And to be more creative and innovative.

Thus, creating a present workspace benefits for the development of employees in the office, becoming in recent months one of the most adopted new working models in companies.

m-work and collaborative workspaces

The solution M-Work was designed to make the organization of hybrid work (face-to-person/ remote) readable, unsophisticated and intelligent for businesses and their employees.

Our solution allows you to fluidify all the organization of remote work, and allows your teams to meet at the office, to share a collective, friendly moment, and allowing you to reserve a place in a collaborative workspace, a classic office or even a meeting room.

Do you want to discuss it? Do not hesitate to contact us.

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