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Is long-distance teleworking a real trend? ‍

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With the important development of hybrid work, more and more workers are choosing Leaving big cities for quieter environments. With teleworking, it is now possible to work from the other side of the world, while keeping his job and enjoying a more exotic living environment.

More than eight out of ten companies say they have received requests for long-distance teleworking from their employees, according to a Cooptalis study in May 2021.

Is it a real phenomenon? If so, what are the challenges and what are the most affected sectors?

Long-distance teleworking is not a new phenomenon, in fact, it already existed before the Covid crisis, but it only applied exceptionally.

The democratization of broadband services, as well as the various lockdowns, have strongly encouraged long-distance teleworking.

The covid pandemic has thus prompted some managers to question the possibility of going to work from a more pleasant environment, away from the stress of big cities.

Beyond these migratory flows, which are motivated by very personal reasons, we observe that teleworking from a foreign country is not No longer as problematic than before. Thus, among the 513 employees interviewed by Cooptalis during their last survey on teleworking, almost all employees (who have recently teleworked from abroad) say they want to reiterate very soon The experience.

Some even specify, during the survey, that teleworking, whether practiced 10 or 10,000 km away, remains the same, the only constraint possibly being the Time difference between the different countries.

Long-distance teleworking has therefore become possible through the development of computer tools such as videoconferencing in particular, but also thanks to the various lockdowns, which have proved that remote working can be just as productive than the work done in the office.

Focus on the most popular destinations for long-distance teleworking

Unsurprisingly, these are the destinations The closest from France which are the most popular.

In France, not surprisingly, the coastal and southern regions are very widely appreciated, because they offer a pleasant living environment combining seaside and higher temperatures.

Graphique sur les zones dans lesquelles le télétravail de longue distance est le plus pratiqué
French regions in which long-distance teleworking is the most common

What are the main challenges associated with long distance work?

The current and future trend is The remoteness, through teleworking, between the worker and his company. Indeed, workers are and will be in the future less and less less present In the company premises and will only go there very rarely. The challenge that follows is the maintaining team cohesion and a sense of belonging to your company.

At a distance, employees tend to feel a lot less involved in life in their company. This lack of involvement results in decline in productivity And a strong Rise of “turnovers”.

In order to remedy this problem, the managers and HR managers will have to be all the more Vigilants To the team cohesion that it will become a key factor in the smooth functioning and sustainability of the company.

Managers should also be careful to ensure that their employees have access to resources needed to work remotely in good conditions.

Alexandre Morel, Senior Analyst at Cooptalis adds to this that they will have to do more. trust to their collaborators, and grant them a greater autonomy. At present, more than 70% of companies that allow long-distance teleworking do not impose attendance days On site mandatory. Depending on the position and the sector of activity, long-distance teleworking will be More or less possible. Jobs such as developers and graphic designers are better suited to remote working than for managers or HR managers.

Meeting en télétravail

Finally, in France as well as in many countries around the world, we have observed in recent years a talent shortage for positions that require a very high level of qualifications. Faced with this lack of talent, a very large majority of companies (+ than 74% of them) respond positively to requests for long-distance teleworking, as they can hardly refuse them. Indeed, with this strong contraction in the labor market, the criterion of geographical proximity becomes secondary to qualifications.

As we saw earlier, the largest risk linked to long-distance teleworking is the shedding of team spirit And of sense of belonging to the company.

To remedy this, it is wise To adopt within his company of good digital tools that promote team cohesion as well as entrepreneurship. M-Work is one of its tools.

About m-work

m-work is a remote work management solution. The software app allows employees to Declare their days Of presence and Of teleworking. These statements are accessible to everyone within the company, which makes it possible toOrganize your schedule according to that of its employees and to find themselves in the office on the same days.

To find out more, click here!

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