
Hybrid work and CO2 measurement: why and how m-work integrates carbon impact measurement



In the dynamic of reshaping the future of work, m-work is committed to spearheading innovation in hybrid work, while maintaining a strong collective, and reducing its environmental impact.

One of the things that makes m-work's value proposition unique is the quantification of the carbon footprint associated with flexible work, an element that has become central in an ecosystem where sustainability and eco-responsibility are essential.

Sustainable and integrative vision

Our vision at m-work is holistic: the world of work should not only be collaborative and efficient, but also deeply aware and environmentally friendly.

We aim to establish intrinsic environmental responsibility within professional structures, thus offering companies concrete and applicable metrics to measure, interpret, and ultimately minimize their ecological footprint.

The analysis methodology

In order to communicate reliable data to our customers, to enable them to reduce their impact, we rely on reliable and validated tools from Ademe.

Our methodology integrates diverse variables, including modes of transport, geographic coordinates of employees and workplaces, as well as work habits declared by collaborators.

This synergy of data allows a precise assessment, based on the relationship between the distance traveled and the carbon emission index specific to each mode of transport, taking into account the rebound effects - for example, the fact that an employee who teleworks can still take his car to go buy lunch, or consumes more heating at home than if he were absent.

Awareness and commitment

Our aim goes beyond simple quantification.

We want to raise awareness, educating businesses and individuals about the ecological impacts inherent in their work organization.

Proactive conclusion:

m-work is driven by the belief that technological innovations can be powerful vectors of change towards a work environment that is more respectful and harmonious with our ecosystem. By imbuing our services with cutting-edge carbon analysis, we aim to be an inspiring catalyst for businesses, encouraging them to reassess their operating methods and adopt a paradigm where operational excellence and sustainability coexist harmoniously. We envision a future where each professional actor is an active craftsman in the construction of a balanced, ecological, and prosperous professional world.

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