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Teleworking: what arguments should you give to your employer?

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More and more businesses are adopting remote work, recognizing its numerous benefits in terms of productivity, employee satisfaction, and savings. However, convincing your employer to switch to remote work can be a challenge. How to approach the issue of teleworking with your employer and what arguments can you put forward to win your case?

How to approach the issue of remote working with your employer

Avoid periods of stress or change in the company

To discuss the subject of teleworking with your employer, it is important to Choosing the right time. Avoid periods of intense stress or big changes in the company, as your request may be perceived as inopportune and your employer may be less receptive to your request to work remotely.

Wait for a moment that is quieter and conducive to dialogue. If you have just been hired, it is best to prove yourself in person at first before requesting remote work. Show your involvement and your added value as an employee for the company before discussing the possibility of working remotely.

Use language that focuses on solutions and opportunities

During your exchanges with your employer, adopt a positive and constructive language. Talk in terms of “solutions” and “opportunities” rather than pointing out problems.

Show that remote working can be a real opportunity for the company, in terms of productivity, employee satisfaction and savings. With a positive and profit-oriented attitude, you are more likely to convince your employer to try remote work.

What arguments can be put forward to convince your employer to work remotely

Demonstrate the increase in productivity when working from home

A strong argument in favor of teleworking is theincreased productivity employees. A study showed a 13% increase in productivity among remote workers compared to their face-to-face colleagues.

Highlight the fact that by working from home, employees benefit from quieter environment, with fewer distractions and interruptions than in the office. This allows them to focus fully on their tasks and be more efficient.

Highlight savings in operational costs

Teleworking allows the company to reduce operational costs significantly. Highlight savings on office space, energy, and transportation costs.

Concretely demonstrate to your employer how having some of the employees working remotely can allow the company toOptimize your expenses and to achieve substantial savings. Use numbers and examples to make your pitch more compelling.

What are the advantages of teleworking to highlight

Highlight your qualities of independence, organization and disconnection

To reassure your employer about your ability to telework well, highlight your key skills of a company employee. Emphasize your independence, your sense of organization, and your ability to disconnect after work.

Show that you are capable of manage your time effectively, to prioritize your tasks and to meet your commitments, even when working remotely. Also highlight your ability to maintain a Personal pro-life balance teleworking.

Reassure on the maintenance of social ties and communication

A frequent obstacle to teleworking is the fear of a loss of social link and degraded communication within the company. Reassure your employer about your willingness and ability to maintaining these relationships despite the distance.

Explain how you plan to communicate regularly with your colleagues and your hierarchy, using the collaborative tools available. Emphasize the importance you attach to team cohesion, especially if you have managerial responsibilities.

How to sell yourself as a good teleworker?

Highlight your qualities for teleworking

To convince your employer to allow you to work from home, it is important to highlight the key skills that make you an effective teleworker. Emphasize your ability to work independently and in an organized manner, managing your time and priorities optimally. Show that you know how to disconnect when necessary in order to maintain personal balance and productivity.

Also value your communication skills and your proactivity, to maintain the link with your colleagues and superiors despite the distance. If you are applying for a managerial position, highlight your commitment to maintaining the well-being of your team and your approach to maintaining cohesion and motivation while working from home. These qualities, which are highly appreciated by an employee, will reassure your employer about your ability to evolve effectively in a remote work environment.

Share examples of successful remote work

To demonstrate your ability to telework effectively, do not hesitate to share concrete examples of professional successes obtained during your previous remote work experiences. Highlight successful projects, goals achieved or positive feedback from customers or employees, which demonstrate your commitment and efficiency by working remotely.

You can also talk about the beneficial impact of teleworking on your personal well-being and lifestyle, which has a positive impact on your professional performance. Highlight how the absence of daily commutes allows you to be more rested and focused, or how flexible schedules help you better manage your energy during the day. These concrete elements reinforce the credibility of your request and will reassure your employer about your ability to combine remote work and professional excellence.

Tips for negotiating remote work with your employer

Propose a gradual implementation of remote work

To facilitate the acceptance of remote work by your employer, offer a gradual implementation. For example, suggest starting with one day of remote work per week, then gradually increasing the pace if the experience is successful.

Show yourself open to compromises and adaptation. The idea is to allow your employer to test remote working in a serene way and to see for himself the benefits of this way of working, without upsetting the organization overnight.

Suggest a test period with clear goals

Offer your employer a trial period remote work, during which you commit to using monitoring tools such as m-work to demonstrate your effectiveness.

Define together clear goals and measurable performance indicators to assess the impact of remote work on your productivity. This will reassure your manager about your ability to work independently and will help them monitor your progress.

Talk about the telework charter

The telework charter is an internal administrative document that defines the main lines of teleworking in the company. It is flexible and adaptable, which allows the employer to make it evolve according to needs. Although its implementation requires consultation with employee representative bodies, the employer can ultimately decide on its content alone. The telework charter is an internal company document, which has no binding legal value. It serves as a guide for setting up telework, but can be modified more easily by the employer, after consultation with staff representatives.

The telework charter is a major argument in your arguments to convince your employer.

How to approach remote working on your resume, cover letter and interview

Give concrete examples of success in remote work

If you have already had a successful experience working from home, do not hesitate to highlight it in your resume, cover letter or during the interview. Give concrete examples of projects successfully completed, goals achieved, or challenges met by working remotely.

Show how your knowledge of collaborative tools, remote communication methods, or time management contributed to your efficiency in teleworking. You will thus prove your ability to succeed outside the walls of the company.

List some key qualities subtly on the resume

On your resume, subtly slide a few key qualities meeting the requirements of teleworking, such as autonomy, rigor, proactivity or even the mastery of digital tools.

But be careful not to emphasize these aspects too much so as not to give the impression of wanting to avoid corporate life. Find it The right balance to highlight your assets while showing your desire to invest fully in the life and projects of the company, whether remotely or on site.

In summary, the main arguments in favor of remote work are increased employee productivity, savings in operational costs, and attractiveness for talent. It is important to discuss the subject with your employer at the right time and with solution-oriented language.

By proposing a gradual implementation and clear objectives, thanks in particular to a teleworking charter, you maximize your chances of obtaining remote work. On your resume and in interviews, subtly highlight your key qualities and your successful experience working from home, without neglecting your commitment to the company.

Rely on m-work to facilitate the organization of teleworking

Facilitate attendance monitoring and the organization of hybrid work

To convince your employer to adopt remote working, you can rely on tools like m-work. This solution makes it easy to manage schedules and the distribution of employees between face-to-face and remote, while providing real-time visibility.

With its ergonomic and fun interface, m-work promotes team membership and simplifies the organization of hybrid work. Managers can see at a glance who is in the office, who is working from home, and adapt meetings and tasks accordingly. Significant transparency in this transition period.

Integrate the tools already in place for a smooth experience

m-work interfaces with most collaborative tools and HR software on the market. Shared calendars, videoconferencing solutions, instant messaging, HRIS: all the bricks come together to create a unified work environment.

Your employees therefore do not need to multiply applications. They find presence information directly into their daily tools, for a smooth and consistent user experience. A strong argument for deciding your employer, who will be able to capitalize on the solutions already in place.

Faced with the rise of hybrid work, the ability to work effectively remotely is becoming a major asset. Are you ready to take the plunge and convince your employer of the benefits of remote working?

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