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Good habits to adopt when working from home

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Structure your daily life

Many individuals have experienced it recently: teleworking can make you lose the daily rhythm that was imposed by being in person. This is why it is better to reproduce this rhythm at home, even if it is more difficult to respect when you have no external constraints. So set a start time for your day, plan your break times in the morning, afternoon and lunch, and finally set yourself an end of day time.

Preparing as if you were about to start a traditional work day is one of the key factors for the success of your remote work experience.

Planning may not be familiar to you, but it is very important that you do it because maintaining a boundary between work and personal life is essential. If you don't set a pace for yourself, you may not be able to disconnect for good in the evenings or on weekends, and your mind will be polluted by professional considerations.

It is also essential to maintain the habits you adopted naturally when you went to the office every morning: showering, getting dressed, having breakfast or drinking coffee. Finally, preparing as if you were going to start a traditional work day is one of the key factors for the success of your remote work experience.

Maintain a real social link with your employees

The end of the day at the office is also the end of the social interactions that took place there daily (coffee breaks, lunch between employees, meeting for someone to leave...). This situation can cause a feeling of loneliness that is difficult to bear (our article on the impact of remote work on mental health here). To not give up these moments of exchange and maintain your friendly and/or professional relationships, it is very useful for you to get in the habit of calling, or sending an email or a message to a group on an instant messenger. This will allow you to keep in touch, and to maintain the team spirit that you built before the spread of teleworking.

Set up your workspace

For the best possible remote working experience, try to set up a dedicated space if you can.

Also, try to set up your workstation as ergonomically as possible. You need to be careful how you sit, to limit or even avoid the pain that some people experience in the neck and shoulders. Also, remember to take regular breaks: it is recommended to take a 15-minute break every two hours, or a 5-minute break every hour if you are doing an intense activity.

Teleworking facilitated by m-work

Faced with these challenges, discover M-Work, a comprehensive and integrated tool that makes the organization of hybrid work legible, simple and intelligent for companies and their employees. Our solution makes it possible to make hybrid work more social and to monitor numerous indicators on the subject! Do you want to discuss it? Do not hesitate to contact us.

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