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4 principles for retaining employees in hybrid mode

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Since the resumption of activity and employment a few months ago, an acceleration of the “war for talent” has been felt. Indeed, it is more and more difficult for companies to retain their employees and attract new ones.

This first article in the War for Talent series, deciphers the retention of employees in companies, in the age of teleworking.

The war for talent: definition

The term”War for talent” is not new (1990), but reappeared during the health crisis.

The phenomenon of”War for talent” refers to a tension in the labor market, between the shortage of resources or certain skills, and the difficulty for the company to recruit and retain talent.

In 2021, it even reached a record level. According to the latest study Rexecode, 73% of SMEs surveyed in October wanted to recruit in the last 12 months. Of these, 79% faced difficulties.

So here are our 4 tips to retain its employees!

#1: Building loyalty by giving more flexibility

Teleworking has a positive effect on employee loyalty to the company, with 74% of employees saying they are less likely to leave a company that offers remote work. Thus, with the development of remote work, many employees have realized their need for flexibility. Among other things, being able to manage their hours during the day as they see fit or even having authorized teleworking days during the week.

Moreover, flexibility no longer rhymes with lack of productivity. Indeed, numerous studies show that partial teleworking allows employees a better development, A time-saver, and so a Equal or even better performance.

Hybrid work has not affected productivity, 82% of employees say they are as productive or more productive as before, according to a study by Adecco Group.

Thus, we can draw several conclusions from the last few months:

  • flexibility is a factor in loyalty
  • teleworking no longer rhymes with loss of productivity
  • A way of working more pliable is therefore viable

Flexibility therefore seems to be at the heart of loyalty and new salary concerns.

#2: Building loyalty through trust and autonomy

Remote working has highlighted that the lack of trust between a manager and his employees has a harmful effect on the development and loyalty of employees. Indeed, at a distance, trust is essential.

In addition, in person as well as remotely, give Autonomy to its collaborators is necessary and without trust, it is difficult for an employee to be able to have them.

Indeed, autonomy allows employees to feel in their place and to stay motivating by the missions they must carry out.

Finally, in addition to being an essential factor in Loyalty of employees, autonomy rhymes with Taking initiative, motivation and productivity. It is therefore interesting to practice a culture of trust within his company.

#3: Building loyalty by listening

In order to retain your employees, developing an environment conducive to listening, communication and follow-up are essential. Indeed, an employee who feels listened to is an employee who will be less likely to leave your company.

So, it's high time to eliminate end-of-term interviews, scorecards, and other outdated HR practices.

Indeed, it is necessary to modernize communication within your company by promoting:

  • the use of simple and modern communication tools (corporate social network, newsletters, etc.)
  • the creation of highlights in your company (seminars, workshops...)
  • or by using feedback (surveys, polls...)

In recent months, between confinement and teleworking, employees have become aware of the importance of being fulfilled in their business, and therefore need To feel listened to and well represented. In which case, they will no longer hesitate to change jobs.

Indeed, according to a study from Apec, 40% of managers want to change companies within 12 months. An increase of 3 points that does not only concern young managers, but especially those aged 35-54.

One of the keys to retaining your employees is therefore to listen to their expectations as much as possible and show them that you take their feedback into account through effective communication.

#4: Building loyalty through a pleasant work environment

Long considered to be of little importance, the work environment is now one of the factors to which employees are now very sensitive.

Indeed, remuneration was one of the key factors in employee loyalty. However, this is no longer enough, and employees have new expectations, especially with regard to workspaces, offices, meeting rooms etc...

According to a survey conducted in 2021 by Fleet and Harris Interactive, 55% of employees face problems related to their computer equipment.

Private gyms, foosball and the like have therefore spread to small and large businesses alike. But which arrangements should be preferred?

Here are our tips the most relevant:

  • set up a company canteen
  • Suggest the Flex-Office
  • provide modern equipment
  • create relaxation areas

The key remains of differentiate themselves from other businesses. Thus, by offering pleasant layouts, you build the loyalty of your employees.

Building loyalty through m-work

M-Work is a complete and integrated application that makesThe organization of hybrid work legible, unsophisticated and smart for businesses and their employees. Our solution allows fluidify all the organization of remote work, and allows your teams to meet in the office, to share a collective, friendly moment, and in line with your corporate culture.

Do you want to discuss it? Do not hesitate to contact us.

What will work be like in 2024 and beyond?


What developments in the world of work have we identified this year?

Through daily exchanges with HR professionals, managers and employees, we observed key trends that we explore in this document.

Download the white paper

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