Human resources

Social link

Social connection in hybrid work refers to the quality of interactions and relationships between employees in an organization, even when those employees work remotely or outside of the traditional office. It's about maintaining a sense of belonging, collaboration, and cohesion within the team, even when in-person interactions are less frequent due to remote or hybrid working.

In the context of hybrid work, social connection is of particular importance as it can be put to the test due to the physical distance between employees. Here are some important elements related to social ties in this context:

  • Effective communication: Online communication channels, such as virtual meetings, instant messengers, and collaboration platforms, play a critical role in maintaining social connections. Employees should be encouraged to communicate regularly to exchange ideas, share information, and maintain professional relationships.
  • Corporate culture: A strong corporate culture and shared values can contribute to strengthening social ties. Employees need to understand the company's mission, goals, and vision, which can motivate them to work together even remotely.
  • Virtual meetings: Online meetings can be used to strengthen social connections by allowing employees to see and interact with each other live, which encourages more personal communication than simple written exchanges.
  • Virtual events and activities: Organizations can organize virtual events, online training, remote team-building activities, and other initiatives to promote team cohesion and social connection.
  • Leadership and team management: Managers and leaders play a key role in promoting social connection by ensuring that team members feel supported, listened to, and included, even at a distance.
  • Mentoring and collaboration: Encouraging mentoring, collaboration, and knowledge sharing between employees can strengthen professional relationships and personal development, even when there is no face-to-face contact.

Maintaining a strong social connection in hybrid work contributes to improved employee satisfaction, productivity, and staff retention. It also promotes a more positive and fulfilling work environment, even when employees are working remotely or on and off.

--> Read also our article on the importance of social ties at work

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