
Hybrid corporate culture

“Hybrid corporate culture” is a concept that refers to the combination of several cultural elements within an organization, generally resulting from the coexistence of two or more different work models, practices, or cultural approaches within the same company. This combination can occur when the company establishes a hybrid work model, that is, a combination of in-person and remote work, which can result in a diversity of practices and cultural values within the organization.

Hybrid corporate culture can be expressed in a variety of ways, including:

  • Diversity of work practices: Employees can have a variety of ways of working, some being in the office full time, others working mostly remotely, and still others alternating between the two. This can influence how tasks are completed and how employees interact with each other.
  • Diverse values and attitudes: Employees who work in person and remotely may have different values, attitudes, and expectations when it comes to their work, internal communication, time management, etc. This cultural diversity can affect how the business operates.
  • New communication standards: Businesses with a hybrid corporate culture are often required to develop new communication standards to ensure that in-person and remote employees stay connected and well-informed.
  • Adaptive leadership: Leaders and managers may need to adapt to managing teams with varied needs and preferences, ensuring that corporate culture remains consistent despite this diversity.
  • Challenges and benefits: Hybrid corporate culture can present challenges, such as the need to maintain a sense of belonging and engagement among remote employees, while providing benefits such as flexibility and adapting to the changing needs of the job market.

Ultimately, hybrid workplace culture can be the result of a natural evolution or a deliberate adaptation of the business to meet the new realities of remote and in-person work. It is essential for organizations to take into account this cultural diversity and to work to create an environment that promotes cohesion, collaboration, and the achievement of business goals.

--> Read also our article on how to manage your teams in hybrid/phygital mode?

What will work be like in 2024 and beyond?


What developments in the world of work have we identified this year?

Through daily exchanges with HR professionals, managers and employees, we observed key trends that we explore in this document.

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