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Team cohesion

Team cohesion in a professional context refers to the strength and solidarity of relationships between members of a team or a work group within an organization. It is an essential concept for measuring how well individuals within the team work together in a harmonious and effective way to achieve common business goals.

Team cohesion involves several aspects, including:

  • Trust: Team members trust each other, which promotes open and honest communication.
  • Communication: Effective communication is essential. Team members should be able to share information, ideas, and feedback in a constructive manner.
  • Collaboration: Team members work together in a coordinated manner and are actively involved in projects and tasks.
  • Mutual respect: Each team member respects the skills, opinions, and contributions of other team members.
  • Common goals: Members share common goals and values and are committed to achieving these goals.
  • Mutual support: Members are ready to help each other when needed and are in solidarity with those who encounter difficulties.
  • Coherence: The team is stable in its composition and avoids destructive conflicts.

Good team cohesion can have a positive impact on productivity, creativity, job satisfaction, and employee retention. It can also help solve problems more effectively and improve decision-making within the organization. As a result, many businesses are implementing strategies to strengthen team cohesion and encourage a harmonious work environment.

--> Read also our article on how to strengthen team cohesion in coworking spaces