

Absenteeism is a term used in the workplace to describe the phenomenon where employees or regular workers are frequently absent from their workplace in an unplanned or unjustified manner. Absenteeism can take many forms, including frequent sick leave, repeated delays, unwarranted absences, or frequent early departures. This behavior can have a negative impact on business productivity, the quality of work, and the overall effectiveness of the organization.

It is important to note that some absences are legitimate, such as sick leave for health reasons, personal leave, or planned vacations. However, excessive or unwarranted absenteeism can lead to human resource management problems and may require measures to mitigate them, such as establishing absence management policies, promoting employee engagement, or improving working conditions.

--> Read also our article on how to reduce absenteeism through the implementation of a flex office

What will work be like in 2024 and beyond?


What developments in the world of work have we identified this year?

Through daily exchanges with HR professionals, managers and employees, we observed key trends that we explore in this document.

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